This study is recruiting until 2026.
Study Name: Sleep Patterns and Brain Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (IRB #: 00318498, Principal Investigator: Stewart Mostofsky, M.D.)
Funding: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (Award #: 5P50HD103538-03)
Description: This research study examines brain-based differences in childhood sleep patterns associated with autism spectrum disorders. Participants complete a half-day (4 hours) appointment that includes an IQ assessment, a saliva collection using a saliva sampling kit, a 30-minute practice Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan to learn about the MRI scanning environment, and a 1-hour MRI scan. Participants also receive an actiwatch and sleep journal to take home for two weeks. The actiwatch is a device similar to a FitBit that collects data on light exposure and movement to assess sleep disruption.
Time Commitment: Participation in this study requires one half-day appointment (4 hours) and two weeks of wearing a actiwatch (sleep watch)
Compensation: $125 total
Eligible Age Range: 8 years, 0 months through 12 years, 11 months
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