Program Overview
At the Kennedy Krieger School: Greenspring Campus High School, our mission is to empower students with diverse abilities to learn and develop lifelong skills while providing a safe and nurturing educational environment staffed by highly skilled, collaborative and dedicated professionals working in partnership with the home, workplace and community.
Our 11-month program focuses on building essential skills based on standards and curricula identified by the Maryland State Department of Education. In addition, instruction in art, music, physical education and fitness, health, life and social skills, career exploration and development and vocational skills round out the course of study.
We are a nonpublic special education day program approved by the Maryland State Department of Education.
NCASES Accreditation
All five Kennedy Krieger School Programs are accredited by the National Commission for the Accreditation of Special Education Services (NCASES). Accreditation is based on compliance to fifty standards covering the range of processes, procedures, and practices critical to the functioning of a special education setting.

Who We Serve
We offer a range of educational and therapeutic services for students in grades 9-12 with a wide range of disabilities, including autism, emotional disability, intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, other health impairments, specific learning disabilities and traumatic brain injury.
Students are typically referred and funded by their local school system; however, privately placed out-of-state and international students can also be enrolled.
What Sets Us Apart
Preparation for Employment:
We offer students a chance to participate for entry-level jobs in one of five career clusters: Information Technology, Horticulture, Hospitality and Tourism, Manufacturing and Construction and Retail and Consumer Services. This industry training is based on a school-to-work model that prepares students with disabilities to meet the workplace challenges of the 21st century. -
Work-Based Learning (WBL):
We partner with over 40 regional businesses to provide students with opportunities to use and expand the knowledge and skills they have learned within their industry classrooms in the community. Work-based learning gives each student an opportunity to gain authentic experience in a job directly related to their chosen industry or interest. Jobs may be on-campus positions or off-campus internships and can range from a short-term or introductory placement to a long-term, intensive work experience with formal training. -
Assessment of Progress:
We believe effective, timely and target assessment of student progress is critical to their success. Our teachers and staff regularly evaluate the progress of each child, assessing the direction and pace of instruction and any related service supports needed to facilitate progress. -
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports:
We provide a vast range of positive behavioral supports that encourage students to maintain their focus on cooperation, completion of tasks and appropriate social interactions.
For students who need additional support, individualized behavior intervention plans are developed to help replace problem behaviors. Behavior specialists are assigned to each student to monitor treatment effectiveness. We also offer crisis intervention to students who are experiencing behavioral difficulties and need help returning to instruction or work-based learning activities. -
Transition Planning:
Transition planning begins are soon as a student enters Kennedy Krieger High School. Transition teams composed of school staff, parents and representatives from workplaces and community support agencies approach each student’s IEP with a focus on where they’re heading and the skills they’ll need to succeed. - Our Team:
Our staff includes highly trained special educators, curriculum specialists, related service providers and paraprofessional staff who receive ongoing training in evidence-based practices. Among our staff specialties are: art and music therapy, assistive technology, behavioral supports, counseling and mental health services, physical therapy, psychology and speech-language pathology.