Executive Functions in Reading
This study is currently recruiting
Study Name: The Role of Executive Functions in Reading and Reading Remediation
Description: Individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often have difficulty with executive functions. Executive functions (EF) is an umbrella term for cognitive abilities (e.g., working memory, speed of processing, inhibition, shifting, etc.) that aim to monitor and optimize the acquisition and processing of information. EF difficulties may impact reading fluency and comprehension. For example, if a child is easily distracted and unable to maintain their attention to the text, they may read more slowly and have difficulty comprehending the story. Given their difficulties with EF, children with ADHD are at risk for developing RD and are less likely to see improvements in reading fluency using tradition reading interventions. In this study, we offer children effected by ADHD and reading difficulties (RD) an online reading intervention program focused on reading skills and executive functions
IRB #00207805
Principal Investigator: Keri Rosch and Tzipi Horowitz-Kraus
Eligible Age Range: 8 years, 0 months and 12 years, 11 months
Gender: All
Diagnosis: Must have a diagnosis of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Contact Information: Jenny Fotang, Fotang@kennedykrieger.org, 443-923-9263
Study Keywords: Reading study, ADHD, ADD