Home Patient Care Faculty & Leadership Joshua Ewen, MD
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Dr. Joshua Ewen is a pediatric neurologist, developmentalist and electroencephalographer. He is an associate professor in both the Department of Neurology and the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
Dr. Ewen attended Brown University and Tulane University School of Medicine, from which he graduated in 2000. He received training in general pediatrics at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center and then was one of the first graduates of the Kennedy Krieger/Johns Hopkins program in neurodevelopmental disabilities. He subsequently took a year of training inspecialized training in clinical neurophysiology/epilepsy (Johns Hopkins).
Dr. Ewen's research involves the use of behavioral and EEG-based techniques to study developmental disabilities and basic questions within psychology and neuroscience. His current primary work focuses on the borderlands between cognition and motor control in autism, but he also has ongoing research in ADHD. Using approaches from experimental cognitive psychology, his laboratory’s general approach is to identify specific cognitive processes that are involved in developmental disabilities, and then to explore the physiological underpinnings of those alterations using EEG.
As a seizure and clinical EEG specialist, Dr. Ewen also researches epilepsy and EEG abnormalities in a range of developmental disabilities, including autism and Rett syndrome.
The Research Neurophysiology Laboratory at the Kennedy Krieger Institute also collaborates with other investigators throughout the greater Johns Hopkins campus who want to employ EEG methods, including event-related potentials (ERPs) in their research. As one example, extensive collaborations with the Johns Hopkins Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences have yielded new insights on how the brain uses attention to focus on certain features of an object, such as color.
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Related Publications
Blacker KJ, Negoita S, Ewen JB, Courtney SM (2017). N-back versus Complex Span Working Memory Training. J Cogn Enhanc. 1(4), 434-454.
McAuliffe D, Pillai AS, Tiedemann A, Mostofsky SH, Ewen JB (2016). Dyspraxia in ASD: Impaired coordination of movement elements. Autism Res. , .
Ewen JB, Pillai AS, McAuliffe D, Lakshmanan BM, Ament K, Hallett M, Crone NE, Mostofsky SH (2016). Practicing Novel, Praxis-Like Movements: Physiological Effects of Repetition.Front Hum Neurosci. 10, 22.
Ewen JB, Lakshmanan BM, Hallett M, Mostofsky SH, Crone NE, Korzeniewska A (2015). Dynamics of functional and effective connectivity within human cortical motor control networks. Clin Neurophysiol. 126(5), 987-96.
Gunnarsdottir KM, Kang YM, Kerr MS, Sarma SV, Ewen J, Allen R, Gamaldo C, Salas RM(2015). A look at the strength of micro and macro EEG analysis for distinguishing insomnia within an HIV cohort. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2015, 6622-5.
Kang YM, Gunnarsdottir KM, Kerr MS, Salas RM, Ewen J, Allen R, Gamaldo C, Sarma SV(2015). To Score or Not to Score? A look at the distinguishing power of micro EEG analysis on an annotated sample of PSG studies conducted in an HIV cohort. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2015, 6626-9.
Ammanuel S, Chan WC, Adler DA, Lakshamanan BM, Gupta SS, Ewen JB, Johnston MV, Marcus CL, Naidu S, Kadam SD (2015). Heightened Delta Power during Slow-Wave-Sleep in Patients with Rett Syndrome Associated with Poor Sleep Efficiency. PLoS One. 10(10), e0138113.
Ikkai A, Blacker KJ, Lakshmanan BM, Ewen JB, Courtney SM (2014). Maintenance of relational information in working memory leads to suppression of the sensory cortex. J Neurophysiol. 112(8), 1903-15.
Schreiber JM, Lanham DC, Trescher WH, Sparks SE, Wassif CA, Caffo BS, Porter FD, Tierney E, Gropman AL, Ewen JB (2014). Variations in EEG discharges predict ADHD severity within individual Smith-Lemli-Opitz patients. Neurology. 83(2), 151-9.
Kossoff EH, Bachur CD, Quain AM, Ewen JB, Comi AM (2014). EEG evolution in Sturge-Weber syndrome. Epilepsy Res. 108(4), 816-9.
Moher J, Lakshmanan BM, Egeth HE, Ewen JB (2014). Inhibition drives early feature-based attention. Psychol Sci. 25(2), 315-24.
Tailor YI, Suskauer SJ, Sepeta LN, Ewen JB, Dematt EJ, Trovato MK, Salorio CF, Slomine BS(2013). Functional status of children with encephalitis in an inpatient rehabilitation setting: a case series. J Pediatr Rehabil Med. 6(3), 163-73.
Paasch V, Hoosier TM, Accardo J, Ewen JB, Slifer KJ (2012). Technical tips: performing EEGs and polysomnograms on children with neurodevelopmental disabilities.Neurodiagn J. 52(4), 333-48.
Lo W, Marchuk DA, Ball KL, Juhász C, Jordan LC, Ewen JB, Comi A, Brain Vascular Malformation Consortium National Sturge-Weber Syndrome Workgroup (2012). Updates and future horizons on the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of Sturge-Weber syndrome brain involvement. Dev Med Child Neurol. 54(3), 214-23.
Ewen JB, Moher JS, Lakshmanan BM, Ryan M, Xavier P, Crone NE, Denckla MB, Egeth H, Mahone EM (2012). Multiple task interference is greater in children with ADHD. Dev Neuropsychol. 37(2), 119-33.
Ewen JB, Vining EP, Smith CA, Trescher WH, Kossoff EH, Gordon B, Boatman-Reich D(2011). Cognitive and EEG fluctuation in benign childhood epilepsy with central-temporal spikes: a case series. Epilepsy Res. 97(1-2), 214-9.
Mostofsky SH, Ewen JB (2011). Altered connectivity and action model formation in autism is autism. Neuroscientist. 17(4), 437-48.
Ewen JB, Kossoff EH, Crone NE, Lin DD, Lakshmanan BM, Ferenc LM, Comi AM (2009). Use of quantitative EEG in infants with port-wine birthmark to assess for Sturge-Weber brain involvement. Clin Neurophysiol. 120(8), 1433-40.
Boatman DF, Trescher WH, Smith C, Ewen J, Los J, Wied HM, Gordon B, Kossoff EH, Gao Q, Vining EP (2008). Cortical auditory dysfunction in benign rolandic epilepsy. Epilepsia. 49(6), 1018-26.
Hatfield LA, Crone NE, Kossoff EH, Ewen JB, Pyzik PL, Lin DD, Kelley TM, Comi AM (2007). Quantitative EEG asymmetry correlates with clinical severity in unilateral Sturge-Weber syndrome. Epilepsia. 48(1), 191-5.
Other Publications
Review Articles:
Ewen JB, Shapiro BK. Disorders of Attention and Learning in Children with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities. Seminars in Pediatric Neurology. 2005; 12(4): 229-41.
Vasa RA, Mostofsky SH, Ewen JB. The disrupted connectivity hypothesis of autism spectrum disorders: Time for the next phase in research. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 2016;1:245-252.. PMID pending
Book Chapters, Monographs:
Ewen JB, Shapiro BK. Specific Learning Disabilities. In: Accardo, PJ, editor. Developmental Disabilities in Infancy and Childhood, 3ed. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. 2008.
Ewen JB. Convulsions. In: Levy, M, editor. Patient Encounters: The Neurology and Psychiatry Work-Up. New York: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2009.
Suskauer SJ, Ewen JB. Encephalitis. In: Nelson M, editor. Rehabilitation Medicine Quick Reference: Pediatrics. New York: Demos Medical Publishing. 2010.
Ewen JB. Angelman Syndrome. In: Gilman, S., editor. MedLink Neurology. San Diego: MedLink Corporation. 2004-2011.
Ewen JB, Mostofsky SH. Procedural memory. In: Volkmar Fred R. (ed). Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. New York: Springer. 2012.
Ewen JB, Mostofsky SH. Sensory-Motor Integration. In: Foxe, JJ and Molholm, S. Multisensory Integration and Sensory Regulation in Autism. Cambridge: MIT Press (in press).
Ewen JB, Beniczky S. Validating Biomarkers and Diagnostic Tests in Clinical Neurophysiology: Developing Strong Experimental Designs and Recognizing Confounds. In: Schomer, D, Lopes da Silva, F (eds.) Niedermeyer’s Electroencephalography (seventh edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press (in press).
Other Media:
“If Your Child Has Seizures” (brochure for parents of children with newly diagnosed epilepsy), editor. Distributed in the Baltimore community (with plans for broader distribution) 2013
Parent Tips: “Seizures and Autism,” co-author, Pathfinders for Autism Website. 2015