• Please download the High-Field Preclinical MRI Facility Service Request Form ( Download Here) and fill it using Acrobat Reader/Professional. Then submit the form together with the animal protocol and IACUC letter of approval (pdf files only) to Adnan Bibic (adnan.bibic@jhmi.edu).
  • This form has to be submitted by the end of each month to be reviewed by the Animal Protocol Review Committee (APRC) in the next month.
  • Please make sure to add the location of the F.M. Kirby Research Center High Field Animal MRI Facility in a new protocol submission for IACUC or amend your existing animal protocol (Change in Location amendment request form).
Instruction of Service Request Form

Printable version of this instruction

Please upload a signed original (pdf) of the two forms (Resource Utilization Form) and all relevant attachments (e.g., IACUC letter-of approval; documentation of additional equipment that will be used in the scan room) for review by our Animal Protocol Review Committee (APRC). Questions can be directed to the APRC, the Facility Manager, or the Administrative Coordinator. 

The Animal Protocol Review Committee holds overall responsibility for the utilization of the Center's resources. The APRC considers protocols in terms of safety and benefit/cost ratio, which includes consideration of scientific merit. 

Deadlines: APRC Meetings are held monthly, usually on the second Monday of the month. Protocols must be submitted at the end of the month before the meeting (i.e. Jan. 31 for Febr. Meeting, etc). Protocols submitted after a deadline will automatically be scheduled for the next meeting. 

Review Process: Following review, each protocol will be considered: (a) approved; (b) approved pending revisions; (c) disapproved; or (d) deferred. Protocols approved pending revision must be resubmitted to the Chair of the APRC or the Facility Manager, the Chair may approve the revisions without convening the entire APRC. Deferred protocols must be resubmitted to the committee with additional information appended. 

In-Vitro studies that don’t require an ACUC protocol will be reviewed by the Chair for biosafety and not forwarded to the committee unless issues are spotted.

Please note:

  • Investigators should make the protocol title as detailed as possible so that it clearly specifies the area being investigated (e.g., "fMRI of the brain" may not be very helpful).
  • The Abstract should clearly and concisely describe Aims & Hypotheses, Background & Significance, and Experimental Plan, and include sufficient detail to allow evaluation of scientific merit.
  • Any materials or equipment that an investigator proposes to take into the scanner room must be described in an attachment to the Resource Utilization Form, and approved by the Center Safety Officer before usage.
  • Following approval by the APRC and the establishment of a protocol number and budget number, investigators may book system time using the online system.
  • It is the responsibility of investigators to follow strictly all guidelines established for conducting research, including the maintenance of logs for all systems, and the filing of screening forms, The PI agrees to overall responsibility through signing the resource utilization form
  • All investigators need to abide by the clean facility guidelines.
  • No animals can be kept or stay overnight in the NMR facility.

Appeal Process: An investigator wishing to contest a decision by the APRC may submit a written appeal and/or request for review of the decision to the Executive Committee. 
Annual Review: Investigators of approved protocols must keep their animal protocols approved and update the facility of any major changes that may impact the Facility. 
Acknowledgment in manuscripts of use of the F.M. Kirby Research Center is appreciated.