FMR1 and Related Conditions Clinic
The FMR1 and Related Conditions Clinic at Kennedy Krieger Institute is an interdisciplinary program that provides comprehensive evaluation and treatment services for children and adults with FMR1-associated disorders such as fragile X syndrome (FXS), fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS), fragile X-associated primary ovarian insufficiency (FXPOI) and fragile X-associated neuropsychiatric disorders (FXAND).
Fairmount Rehabilitation Programs
The Fairmount Rehabilitation Programs at Kennedy Krieger Institute offer an array of interdisciplinary therapy programs for patients with injuries and disorders of the brain, spinal cord and musculoskeletal system.
Feeding Program (see Day Feeding Program)
The Feeding Disorders Day Program (part of the Pediatric Feeding Disorders Program) provides therapy for children with feeding disorders that require more intensive treatment than is offered through outpatient services.
Fit and Healthy Clinic
The Fit and Healthy Clinic treats children and adults ages 4 to 30 years old who have developmental disabilities and are at risk for developing obesity-related medical problems. The clinic focuses on nutrition and physical activity to foster a healthy lifestyle.
Focused Interdisciplinary Therapy Program
This program offers intensive therapies that target specific goals for children and adolescents with persistent, physically disabling conditions.