Take Your Legislator to Work Day

Take your Legislator to Work Day on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 is a unique opportunity for legislators to hear from employers and employees with disabilities about their experiences with hiring and the benefits for both employers and employees. 

The day will begin with a quick virtual welcome, followed by a 45-minute visit to a local business in your district, where you will have a chance to tour, engage in dynamic discussions and hear from both the employer and the employee on the benefits and value individuals with disabilities bring to the workforce.

We recommend holding 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. on your calendars to support with the logistics of this event.

Please take a moment to register for the event here. As we get closer to the event, you will hear from a member of the Take your Legislator to Work Day team regarding the assigned workplace you will be visiting, and the individual who you will be accompanying along with other details. 

Register Here

Thank you again for your interest in this event, and for supporting inclusive employment and workforce development for Marylanders with disabilities. 


Event Co-Sponsors

The Central Chesapeake Region

The ARC Maryland

The ARC Montgomery County

Community Options, Inc. Supporting People With Disabilities Since 1989

Community Support Services. Inclusion. Self-Advocacy. Individualization

Compass, Inc. Find Your Direction. Follow Your Dreams



Kennedy Krieger Neurodiversity at Work


The Outcomes Service. Treatment and Learning Centers

2024 Neurodiversity at Work National Conference

Join the collaborative conference from October 27-October 29 that brings together a community that is committed to improving employment outcomes for the neurodiverse workforce. Find out more, including attendee and sponsorship information, on our 2024 Neurodiversity at Work National Conference website.

Registration Open | #Neurodiversity 2024. Neurodiversity in the Workplace: A Collaborative National Conference. October 27-20, 2024. The Westin, Washington, DC Downtown. Sponsored by Kennedy Krieger Neurodiversity at Work.

Registration Now Open!

Early bird registration ends on July 31, 2024.

Reserve your spot at the 2024 Neurodiversity at Work National Conference!  

Continuing Education Credits

New This Year! Come take the CESPTM exam at the Neurodiversity in the Workplace National Conference for a chance to earn your first 10 CEUs! Neurodiversity at Work is partnering with APSE National to host the CESPTM exam as well as MDWorks to get you prepared.

For any questions, please contact the Neurodiversity at Work Team, NDatWork@KennedyKrieger.org.

Check Out Continuing Education Credits

Learn More Here