Our training program aim is to prepare interns to intermediate competence in delivery of health service psychology with children and adolescents with a range of behavioral, emotional, health and learning needs and their families.

Training occurs within the nine Profession Wide Competencies: Research, Ethical and legal standards, Individual and cultural diversity, Professional values, attitudes and behaviors, Communication and interpersonal skills, Assessment, Intervention, Supervision, and Consultation and interprofessional/interdisciplinary skills. At least one member of the faculty is responsible for providing close supervision of the intern's performance on each clinical case. Interns meet weekly with one or two supervisors to review case responsibilities, selection and implementation of assessment and treatment procedures, data interpretation, and treatment planning. Licensed psychologists supervise all cases. The program strictly adheres to the APA guidelines of two hours of individual (face to face) and two hours of additional supervision per week. Supervisors also conduct direct observations of each intern’s service delivery at least twice during each evaluation period.