Selected Journal Articles
Ofonedu, M. E. (2024). Learning Differences. In Koocher, G. P., La Greca, M., Lopez, N. N., & Moorehead-Slaughter, O. The Parents’ Guide to Psychological First Aid: Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with Predictable Life Crises (Chapter 27). An Oxford University Press. 2nd Edition.
Nwafor, C. E., Ugwu, P. C., Okoye, C. F. A., Obi-Nwosu, H., & Ofonedu, M. E. (2024). Religious coping and delinquent behaviours: Moderated mediation roles of religion affiliation and prosocial moral reasoning. Journal of research on adolescence: the official journal of the Society for Research on Adolescence, 10.1111/jora.12967. Advance online publication.
Reynolds, M. C., Ofonedu, M. E., Alpert A. (2023). Expanding Person-Centered Thinking Approaches for Developing Personalized Integrated Supports for People with Disabilities and Their Families. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities.
Ofonedu, M. E. (2024). Learning Differences. In Koocher, G. P., La Greca, M., Lopez, N. N., & Moorehead-Slaughter, O. The Parents’ Guide to Psychological First Aid: Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with Predictable Life Crises. An Oxford University Press. 2nd Edition.
Ofonedu, M. E., & Jones, W., (In Press). Preparing Trainees to Engage with and in Culturally Diverse Communities: Addressing the Social-Political Context. In Little, S., Loessner, L., & Ofonedu, M. E., Social Work Field Instruction in Modern Practice: A Handbook. NASW Press. 1st Edition.
Little, S., Loessner, L., & Ofonedu, M. E., (In Press). Social Work Field Instruction in Modern Practice: A Handbook. NASW Press. 1st Edition.
Ofonedu, M.E., Turner, E.., Franklin, A.J., & Breland-Nobel, A., (2023). Promoting Positive Health Outcomes for Black Youth of African Descent: Applying the Family as Host Model for Culturally Responsive Practice. Evidence-Based Practice in Child & Adolescent Mental Health.
Nwafor, C. E., Ofonedu, M., Nwankwo, N. I., Obuna, A., & Ugwu, P. C. (2022). Perceived stress moderates the relationship between family support and family quality of life among parents of children living with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 19(4), 370–378.
Gross, D., Belcher, H. M. E., Budhathoki, C., Ofonedu, M. E., Dutrow, D., Uveges, M. K., & Slade, E. (2019). Reducing Preschool Behavior Problems in an Urban Mental Health Clinic: A Pragmatic, Non-inferiority Trial. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 58(6), 572-581. doi. 10.1016/j.jaac.2018.08.013
Gross, D. A., Belcher, H. M. E., Budhathoki, C., Ofonedu, M. E., & Kurtz M. (2017). Does Parent Training Format Affect Treatment Engagement? A Randomized Study of Families at Social Risk. Journal of Child and Family Studies
Ofonedu, M. E., Belcher, H. M. E., Budhathoki, C. & Gross, D. A., (2016). Understanding Barriers to Initial Treatment Engagement among Underserved Families Seeking Mental Health Services. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26(3), 863-876 DOI: 10.1007/s10826-016-0603-6
Beltran, M., Brown-Elhillali, A. N., Held, A. R., Ryce, P. C., Ofonedu, M. E., Hoover, D. W., & ... Belcher, H. E. (2016). Yoga-based Psychotherapy Groups for Boys Exposed to Trauma in Urban Settings. Alternative Therapies In Health And Medicine, 22(1), 39-46.
Maepa, M.P., Idemudia, E.S. & Ofonedu, M.E. (2015). The relationship between Parenting styles and childhood trauma: A study of street children in Limpopo Province, South Africa. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, 21(2), 552-565.
Gross, D. A., Belcher, H. M. E., Ofonedu, M. E., Breitenstein, S., Frick, K. D., & Budhathoki, C. (2014). Study protocol for a comparative effectiveness trial of two parent training programs in a fee-for-service mental health clinic: can we improve mental health services to low-income families? Trials 15:70 doi:10.1186/1745-6215-15-70
Ofonedu, M. E., Percy, W. H., Harris-Britt, A., & Belcher, M. E. (2013). Depression in Inner City African American Youth: A Phenomenological Study. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 22(1), 96-106 doi: 10.1007/s10826-012-9583-3
Selected Articles, Editorials, and other publications
Ofonedu, M. E., Tskhay, V., & Turlik, L. (2023). Faith Community Learning Collaborative for Faith Leaders. Resource Guide, Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities.
Ofonedu, M. E., Tskhay, V., & Turlik, L. (2023). Faith Community Learning Collaborative for Faith Leaders. Inclusive Practice Training Curriculum for Faith Leaders, Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities.
Ofonedu, M. E., Little, K. (2022). Disability Awareness and Etiquette 101: A Resource for Maryland Transit Administration Drivers. Resource Guide, Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities.
Ofonedu, M. E., Bowley, O., Turcios, A., & Turlik, L. (2022). Navigating College Transitions and Financial Aid: Supporting Students with Disabilities and their Families. Resource Guide, Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities.
Sarris, M., Ofonedu, M. E., & Evans, A (2022). Building Connections in Black Communities: Faith, Autism, Healthcare and Research. Simons Powering Autism Research and Knowledge, SPARK.
Ofonedu, M. E., (2021). Self-care, Work, and Well-being: Finding the Balance on Caring for Self While Caring for Others. Resource Guide, Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities.
Ofonedu, M. E., (2021). Sexual Health and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Resource Guide, Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities.
Ofonedu, M. E., Sidhu, V., Caroll, R., and Garrido, A., (2021). Supporting Parents at the Time of Their Child’s Disability Diagnosis and Beyond: Practical Strategies for Healthcare Providers. Resource Guide, Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities.
Ofonedu, M. E., Culpepper, C. (2021). Healing Through Natural Mentoring Relationships: Strategies for Promoting Mental Health and Social Well-being of Marginalized and At-Risk Youth. Resource Guide, Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities.
Ofonedu, M. E., (2021). Early Screening of Children for Developmental Delays. Resource Guide, Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities.
Ofonedu, M. E. (2021). Culturally Responsive Reopening of In-person School and Work. The Advocate, 44(2). American Psychological Association, Society for Child and Family Practice and Policy.
Ofonedu, M. E., (2020). The 4S to Supporting Self and Others during COVID-19. Resource Guide, Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities
Ofonedu, M. E. (2020). The Growing Need for Community Partnering. The Advocate, 43(3). American Psychological Association, Society for Child and Family Practice and Policy.
Ofonedu, M. E. (2020). Paws & Relax: Animal Assisted Interventions. Resource Guide, Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities.
Ofonedu, M. E. (2011). Experiences of inner-city Black youth living with depression. ProQuest Dissertation and Theses Publication # AAT 3460497
Selected International Scientific Meetings/Trainings
Ofonedu, M.E., & Nwafor, C., Obi-Nwosu, H., Obi, B., Okoye, C.A, Ezenwa, M., et al. (2023). West African International Collaborative Conference on Psychology (WAICCP) [Ofonedu as Initiator and Lead Planner, and Moderator of this 1st WAICCP 2-day Hybrid Conference]. Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka and Virtual. 11.08. 2023 and 11.09. 2023, Nigeria, West Africa
Ofonedu, M.E. (2023). American Psychological Association, ACT Raising Safe Kids Training for Professionals. [Master Trainer]. Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka. 07.25 to 07.27. 2023, Nigeria, West Africa
Ofonedu, M.E., Zlokovich, M. S., & Nwafor, C., et al. (2021). Psi Chi, International Honors Society in Psychology. [Speaker] First Psi Chi Chapter in Sub Saharan Africa, Induction Ceremony. Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka. 08.06.2021, Nigeria, West Africa
Ofonedu, M.E., Zlokovich, M. S., & Nwafor, C., et al. (2020). Psi Chi, International Honors Society in Psychology. [Ofonedu as Initiator for the Establishment of the 1st Psi Chi Chapter in Sub Saharan Africa]. Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka. 11.05. 2020, Nigeria, West Africa
Ofonedu, M.E. (2015). Understanding Mental Health Treatment Engagement in At-Risk Families of Children with Behavior Problems [Poster]. American Psychological Association Convention. 08.07. 2015, Toronto, Canada
Ofonedu, M. E. (2014). “Social Connectedness as Protective Factors to Depression in African American Youth: A Qualitative Insight. Oral Presentation at the International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP), 07.12. 2014, Paris, France
Ofonedu, M.E. (2013). Attachment and Early Parenting. Invited International Speaker at the Eastern Africa Regional Conference of Psychology (EARCP) Kampala, 11.2.2013, East Africa, Uganda
Ofonedu, M.E (2013). Youth Rebellion and Mental Health. Invited International Speaker at the Eastern Africa Regional Conference of Psychology (EARCP) Kampala, 11.2.2013, East Africa, Uganda
Ofonedu, M.E (2012). A Phenomenological Study: Experiences of Inner-city Black Youth living with Depression. Paper Presentation at the International Congress of Psychology (ICP) 30th Convention, 07.22.12 – 07.27.12, Cape Town, South Africa
Ofonedu, M.E (2008). Cultural Aspects of Mental Health and Treatment Engagement. Professional Development Seminars. University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute of Human Virology (IHV) Abuja- FCT and Our Ladies of Lourdes Ihiala Anambra State—under the leadership of Dr. John Farley. August 2008, Abuja, Nigeria
Selected National Scientific Meetings/Trainings
Ofonedu, M. E (2023 Faith, Disability, Autism, and Research: Engaging a Diverse Stakeholders in the Dialogue. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADMM) Network Meeting. 10.25.2023, Atlanta, GA
Ofonedu, M. E (2023). Suicidal Behaviors in People with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities: Strategies for Positive Health Outcomes. The Arc Illinois Virtual Conference on IDD and Mental Health 11.15.2023, Mokena, IL
Ofonedu, M. E., Abel, M., Alonso, A., Scott, T., Cosgrove, K., & Brady, R (2023). Supporting Children with Disabilities Through Professionals Development Trainings and Coaching in Early Intervention: Applying Models for Culturally Responsive Practice [Symposium]. Association of University Centers on Disabilities Annual Conference. 11.06.2023, Washington, DC.
Ofonedu, M. E (2023). How Psychology is Informing Interventions for Aggression and Violence in Youth [Impact Talk)]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, 08.04.2023, Washington, DC
Nwankwo, N., Nwafor, C. E., Ofonedu, M. E., & Ezenwa, M. (2023). Burden of care, Stigma and Guilt as predictors of Psychological Distress: The Role of Resilience [Poster]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, 08.04.2023, Washington, DC
Nwafor, C. E., Agorua, O., & Ofonedu, M. E. (2023). Antisocial Traits and Bullying Behavior Among School pupils: Moderating Role of Attribution Styles [Poster]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, 08.04.2023, Washington, DC
Obi, B. I., Nwafor, C. E., & Ofonedu, M. E. (2023). Role of Faith Community in the Training of Parents to Promote the Socio-Emotional Health of Children [Poster]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, 08.04.2023, Washington, DC
Ofonedu, M. E (Chair), Moorehead-Slaughter, O., Metzger, I., Turner, E. A., Miodus, S., & McCracken, E. (2023). Walk-a-Mile Being Exposed to Community Violence: Experiences of Underserved Children, Youth and Families Seeking Trauma Informed Care [Symposium]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, 08.03.2023, Washington, DC
Bellinger, S., Ofonedu, M. E., Weber, S., Colman, S., Holloway-Gentemann, S (2022). Promoting Early Screening, Intervention and Quality Childcare for children with Developmental Disabilities through training and technical assistance: LEND/UCEDD Programs Approach [Symposium]. Association of University Centers on Disabilities Annual Conference. 11.14.2022, Washington, DC.
Ofonedu, M. E (Chair), Miodus, S., Moorehead-Slaughter, O., Song, S., Evans, S., Turner, E., & Pu, D (2022). Walk-a-Mile Accessing Health Care Services: Experience of Vulnerable and Underserved Populations [Symposium]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, 08.04.2022, Minneapolis, MN
Ofonedu, M. E (Chair), Irwin, B., Jones, S., & Yuan, S (2022). Supporting Parents with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Their Children. Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities Summer Learning Series. 07.12.22, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E., (Chair), Freedman, B., Scott, J., & A’Agati, A. D (2022). Navigating College Transitions and Financial Aid: Supporting Students with Disabilitis and their Families [Webinar]. Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities. 05.04.22, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E (2022). Faith, Disability, Mental Health, and Research: Engaging Black People of African Descent in the Dialogue [Webinar]. SPARK— Simons Foundation Powering Autism Research.02.23.22, New York, NY
Ofonedu, M.E (Chair), Ferguson, A. G., Turner, E., Dean, K. L., & Rodriguez, C (Moderator) (2022). Healing Racial Trauma: Strategies for Culturally Responsive Practice and Systems-Level Change [Panel]. Diverse Racial Ethnic and Multicultural Special Interest Group of the Society of Child and Family Policy and Practice, American Psychological Association. 02.16.2022, Washington, DC
Garrido, A., & Ofonedu, M. E. (2021). Faith, Mental Health, and Disability: Effective Strategies for Inclusive Practices in Faith Communities [ePoster]. Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS), 11.10.2021- 11/13.2021 Indianapolis, IN.
Ofonedu, M. E., (2021). Compassion Fatigue and Self-Compassion: Reviving the Lost Art of Caring for Self while Caring for Others. In Khoury, B., & Indart M. (Chairs). Let’s Practice what we Preach: when Psychologists are Victims of Trauma [Symposium]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention (Virtual), 08.2021, Washington, DC
Ofonedu, M.E (2021). A Conversation Hour on Returning to In-Person School and Work [Webinar]. Diverse Racial Ethnic and Multicultural Special Interest Group of the Society of Child and Family Policy and Practice, American Psychological Association. 06.04.2021, Washington, DC
Ofonedu, M.E., Macri C. I., & Jones, A (2021). Meaningful and Responsive Community Partnerships: How You Can Make a Meaningful Impact in Your Community [Webinar]. Diverse Racial Ethnic and Multicultural Special Interest Group of the Society of Child and Family Policy and Practice, American Psychological Association. 04.02.2021, Washington, DC
Ofonedu, M. E., (Chair), Perkins-Parks, S., & Demma, R (2021). Early Screening of Children for Developmental Disabilities: How Parents and Providers Can Help [Webinar]. Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities. 03.18.21, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M.E., Clinton, C., Smith, M., Thompson, K., Pinkney, A.D., & Reynolds, P. (2020). How Families Can Help Create a Kinder and Braver World. A National Family Event Sponsored by the Clinton Foundation’s Too Small to Fail and the Born this Way Foundation. 12.17.20
Ofonedu, M.E., Silverbush, R., Zeavin, C., Navasaria, N (2020). Guidance on How Early Childhood Providers and Parents Can Best Communicate and Facilitate Home-Based Involvement in Early Childhood Literacy Development. A National Virtual Event Sponsored by the National Black Child Development Institute and the Clinton Foundation’s Too Small to Fail. 12.09.20
Ofonedu, M.E., & Germain, L.M (2020). When One Teaches, Two Learn: A Conversation on Supporting Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Youth [Webinar]. Diverse Racial Ethnic and Multicultural Special Interest Group of the Society of Child and Family Policy and Practice, American Psychological Association. 10.02.2020, Washington, DC
Ofonedu, M.E., & Viney, L.M (2020). Intentional and Responsive Community Partnering [Webinar]. Diverse Racial Ethnic and Multicultural Special Interest Group. Society of Child and Family Policy and Practice, American Psychological Association. 08.07.2020, Washington, DC
Ofonedu, M.E., & Thomas, A (2020). How Policies Affect Families Around COVID-19 and How You Can Help [Webinar]. Diverse Racial Ethnic and Multicultural Special Interest Group. Society of Child and Family Policy and Practice, American Psychological Association, 06.05.2020. Washington, DC
Ofonedu, M. E (Chair), Jones, W., Enriquez, J., Graybill, E., & Yarbrough, D. (2020). Preparing Trainees to Engage with and in Culturally Diverse Communities: Addressing the Social-Political Context [Symposium]. Association of University Centers on Disabilities Annual Conference (Virtual), 12.08.2020, Washington, DC.
Ofonedu, M. E (Chair), Mercado, A., Morrissey, M.B., Flores, Y.G., Barrueco, S., Thomas, A., Butler, M., Moorehead-Slaughter, O., Reinhardt, J.S., Cullinan, C., Gross, T.J., Miron, L.R., & Ofonedu, I.C. (2020). Walk-a-Mile Crossing the Border and Facing the System: Experiences of Immigrant Families and Children [Symposium]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention (Virtual), 08.06.2020, Washington, DC
Ofonedu, M. E (Chair), Butler, M. K., Willis, D., Horejes, T., & Menon, D., (2019). Cultural Perspectives on Disability: Implications for Health and Human Rights [Panel]. Association of University Centers on Disabilities Annual Conference, 11.19.2019, Washington, DC.
Ofonedu, M. E (Chair), Butler, M., Azad, G., Reinhardt, J.S., Damashek, A., Thomas, A., Forber-Pratt, A. J., & Cullinan, C (2019). Disability Walk a Mile Experience: Families with Children and Young Adults with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities Search for Meaning [Symposium]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, 08.10.2019, Chicago, IL
Ofonedu, M. E (2019). Peer Mentoring for International Students at Convention [Special Interest Program]. American Psychological Association, Annual Convention, 08.08.2019, Chicago, IL
Kanu, A., Ofonedu, M. E., & Stone, J., (2018). Exploring the Factors that Impact the Health, Well-Being, and Independence of Individuals with Disabilities: A Caregiver Perspective. Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS), Indianapolis, IN.
Ofonedu, M. E (Chair), Dougé, J., Barrueco, S., Garrett-Akinsanya, B. M., Fuentes, M. A., & Fu, M., (2018). Treatment Engagement and Intervention Strategies for Underserved Children, Youth, and Families [Symposium]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, 08.09.2018, San Francisco, CA
Ofonedu, M. E (Chair), Powell, W., Dodgen, D., Wylie, L., & Lemanek, K. (2018). Health Disparities: Improving Care Outcomes for Underserved Children, Youth and Families [Symposium]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, 08.10.2018, San Francisco, CA
Ofonedu, M. E (Chair), Moorehead-Slaughter, O., Reinhardt, J.S., Sampilo, M., Litzenburg, C.C., Rubens, S., Thomas, A., Turner, E. A., & Ofonedu, I. C (2018). Walk a Mile---Understanding Challenges Faced by Families Struggling to Find Assessment and Treatment [Symposium]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, 08.10.2018, San Francisco, CA
Ofonedu, M. E (Chair), Franklin, A.J., Breland-Nobel, A., Garvin, E., Cook, C., Turner, E.A. (2017). Strategies for Promoting Positive Mental Health Outcomes for Black Youth [Symposium]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, 08.05.2017, Washington, D.C
Ofonedu, M. E (Chair), Price, L.N., Kuriansky, J.,Khoury, B., Gregerson, M., Bastien, G., Coker-Appiah, D.( 2017). Global Approach to Trauma Prevention and Interventions: Policy and Practice [Symposium]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, 08.04.2017, Washington, D.C
Ofonedu, M. E (Chair), Devereux, E., Marin, M. R., Miller M., Haskett, M., Silva J., Jaimes, L., von der Embse, N. P., et al. (2017). Walk-a-Mile Experience: A Families Living in Poverty Awareness Session [Symposium]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, 08.03.2017, Washington, D.C
Ofonedu, M. E (2011). Experiences of Inner-city Black Youth living with Depression [Poster]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, 08.05.2011, Washington, DC
Selected State and Regional Scientific Meetings/Trainings
Ofonedu, M. E (2023). Cultural Perspectives around Suicide Prevention. Harford County Suicide Prevention & Recovery Conference. 11.15.2023, Bel Air, MD
Ofonedu, M. E. & Belcher, H. E. (2023). Cultural Perspectives on Disabilities and Treatment Engagement of Culturally Diverse Population [Lecture]. Kennedy Krieger Institute Core Course. 09.05.23, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E & Asato, M. (2023). Overview of the University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research & Service (UCEDD) and Maternal and Child Health Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Other Related Disabilities (LEND). Kennedy Krieger Institute Trainee Orientation, 09.05.2023, Baltimore, MD,
Ofonedu, M. E. (2023). Faith Community Learning Collaborative for Faith Leaders: An Inclusive Faith Support Ambassador Training. [Host and Master Trainer]. Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities at Kennedy Krieger Institute. 05.12.23 and 06.09.2023, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E. (2023). Promoting Positive Mental Health Outcomes for Black Youth: How Schools, Homes and Community Members Can Help. Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities Summer Learning Series. 05.30.23, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E. (2023). Promoting Positive Mental Health Outcomes for Black Youth: How Schools, Homes and Community Members Can Help. Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities Summer Learning Series. 05.18.23, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E (2023). Spring into Mental Wellness and Self-Care, April 17; Inspiring Hope Together- April 19; Creating a Disability-Inclusive Community- April 24; Being Your Child’s Best Advocate- April 26; and Q &A for Parents /Caregivers Raising Children with Disabilities [Webinars]. Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities, Spring Lunch and Learn. 04.17.23 through 05.01.23, Baltimore, MD
Penalosa, M., & Ofonedu, M. E. (2023). Caregivers’ Perspectives on the Impact of Support Services on Health and Well-being of Children and Young Adults with Disabilities and their families [Poster]. Maternal and Child Health Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Other Related Disabilities (LEND. Poster Day, 04.04.2023. Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M.E (2022). Practicing Through a Cultural Lens: A Collaborative Partnership. Pediatric Psychology Consultation Program at Kennedy Krieger Institute.12.05.2022, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E. (2022). Suicide Prevention: Connect, Response, Heal and Thrive. [Session Moderator]. Maryland’s 34th Annual Suicide Prevention. 10.10.22, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E. (2022). Collaborative with National and State Leaders on Faith and Disability. [Host and Speaker]. Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities at Kennedy Krieger Institute. 10.10.22, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E. (2022). Cultural Perspectives on Disabilities and Treatment Engagement of Culturally Diverse Population [Lecture]. Kennedy Krieger Institute Core Course. 09.13.22, Baltimore, MD
Turlik, L., & Ofonedu, M. E (2022). Inclusive Practice in Faith Communities: Assessment Tool and Tips for Faith Leaders [Poster]. Maryland’s University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Research Initiatives for Student, 04.2022. Baltimore, MD
Turcios, A., & Ofonedu, M. E (2022). Supporting the Mental Health of Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Strategies for Parents and Professionals [Poster]. Maryland’s University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Research Initiatives for Student, 04.2022. Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E (2022). Fun at Home Together while School is Out: A Learning Collaborative for Parents and their Children with Developmental Disabilities [Webinar]. Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities, Spring Lunch and Learn. 04.12&14.22, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E (2022). Question and Answer Session for Parents and Caregivers of Children with Disabilities [Webinar]. Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities, Spring Lunch and Learn. 04.11&13.22, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E (2022). Creating a Disability-Friendly Community: A Community Learning Collaborative [Webinar]. Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities, Spring Lunch and Learn. 03.30.22, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E (2022). Being Your Child’s Best Advocate: A Learning Collaborative for Parents and Caregivers of Children with Disabilities [Webinar]. Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities, Spring Lunch and Learn. 03.28.22, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E (2022). Inspiring Hope Together: A Learning Collaborative for Parents and Caregivers of Children with Disabilities [Webinar]. Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities, Spring Lunch and Learn. 03.23.22, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E (2022). Spring into Mental Wellness and Self-Care: A Learning Collaborative for Parents and Caregivers of Children with Disabilities [Webinar]. Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities, Spring Lunch and Learn. 03.21.22, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E. (2022). Cultural Perspectives on Disabilities and Treatment Engagement of Culturally Diverse Population [Lecture]. Kennedy Krieger Institute Core Course. 09.13.22, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E. (Chair), London, R., & Capone, K (2022). Developmental Disabilities: Challenges, Opportunities and Future Directions [Panel]. Kennedy Krieger Institute Core Course. 01.25.22, Baltimore MD
Ofonedu, M. E., (Chair), Averitt-Sanzone, R., & Pinkett-Davis, M (2021). Supporting Parents at the Time of their Child’s Disability Diagnosis and Beyond: Practical Strategies for Healthcare Providers II [Webinar]. Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities. 10.28.21, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E., (Chair), McCall, M., Kane-Breschi., & O’Brien, T (2021). Why Do Professional Boundaries Matter in Home Care [Webinar]. Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities. 09.29.21, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E., (Chair), Averitt-Sanzone, R., & Pinkett-Davis, M (2021). Supporting Parents at the Time of their Child’s Disability Diagnosis and Beyond: Practical Strategies for Healthcare Providers I [Webinar]. Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities. 06.30.21, Baltimore, MD
Carroll, R., & Ofonedu, M. E (2021). Supporting Parents at the Time of Their Child’s Disability Diagnosis: Practical Strategies for Health Care Providers [Poster]. Maryland’s University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Research Initiatives for Student, 04.2021. Baltimore, MD
Dillard, K., & Ofonedu, M. E (2021). Supporting Students with Disabilities During Virtual Learning: Practical Strategies for Parents and Educators [Poster]. Maryland’s University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Research Initiatives for Student, 04.2021. Baltimore, MD
Little, K., & Ofonedu, M. E (2021). Disability Awareness and Etiquette 101: Education for Maryland Transit Administration Drivers [Poster]. Maryland’s University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Research Initiatives for Student, 04.2021. Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E., (Chair), Strock, C., & Webster, W (2021). Self-Care, Work, and Well-being: Finding the Balance on Caring for Self while Caring for Others [Webinar]. Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities. 04.01.21, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E. (Chair), London, R., Brown, C., & Capone, K (2021). Developmental Disabilities: Challenges, Opportunities and Future Directions [Panel]. Kennedy Krieger Institute Core Course. 01.26.21, Baltimore MD
Ofonedu, M.E (2020). Strategies for Promoting Positive Mental Health Outcomes for Black Children, Youth, and Their Families [Webinar]. Center for Autism and Related Disorders at Kennedy Krieger Institute. 12.14.2020, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M.E (2020). Grief and Loss and the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Population. Johns Hopkins University’s Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Residency Program. 11.24.20, Baltimore, MD.
Ofonedu, M.E (2020). Practicing Through a Cultural Lens: A Collaborative Partnership. Pediatric Psychology Consultation Program at Kennedy Krieger Institute.10.12.2020, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E. (2020). Promoting Positive Mental Health Outcomes for Black Youth: How Providers and Community Member Can Help. Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities Summer Learning Series. 06.23.20, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E., Hutt-Brown, T. (2020). Grief and Loss: Guiding and Supporting Individuals with Intellectual, Developmental and Other Disabilities Through the Experience. Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities Summer Learning Series. 06.09.20, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E (Chair), Benevides, B., Weber, W., Hejeebu, S., Queen, E., Stevens, C, and Goldsmith, T., Brown, K., & Fosarelli, P (2020). Faith, Disability and Mental Health: How the Faith Community Can Help. Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities’ Faith Leaders Forum. 05.07.20, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E. (2020). Suicidal Behaviors in People with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities: Strategies for Successful Care. Kennedy Krieger Institute. 04.03.20, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E. (Chair), Shaia, W., Rice, M., Chavez, J., (2020). Challenging Common Perspectives on Disabilities. Kennedy Krieger Institute Core Course. 02.04.20, Baltimore, MD
Aguzie, P., & Ofonedu, M. E (2019). Social Connection and Inclusive Practice Training for Teachers [Poster]. Maryland’s University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Research Initiatives for Student, 11.2019. Baltimore, MD
Eiermann, H., & Ofonedu, M. E (2019). Disability Etiquette Training for Drivers who Transport People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Other Disabilities [Poster]. Maryland’s University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Research Initiatives for Student, 11.2019. Baltimore, MD
McClain-Nhlapo, C., Imparato, A., Ofonedu, M.E., et al. (2019). Creating Inclusive Education in the Global South and Creating Inclusive Environments for Universal Education and Employment. Association of University Centers on Disabilities. World Bank Group Social Development. 11.19 & 20. 2019, Washington, DC
Ofonedu, M.E (2019). Being the Best Advocate for your Child. St. Mary of the Mills Catholic Church and School, Archdiocese of Washington. 11.06.2019, Laurel, MD
Ofonedu, M. E., Azad, G., Pickering, O., Qu, X., (2019). Different Cultural Perspectives Around Suicide and Its Prevention. Maryland Annual Suicide Prevention Conference, 10.02.19, Woodlawn, MD.
Ofonedu, M. E. (2019). Suicidality and People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Governor’s Commission on Suicide Prevention Summit. 09.18.19, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E. (Discussant), Qu, X., (2019). Autistic Traits and Suicidal Thoughts, Plans, and Self-Harm in Late Adolescence: Population-Based Cohort: A Paper Presentation. Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Wendy Klag Center Journal Club. 09.16.19, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E., & Barfield, C. (2019). Being the Best Advocate for your Child(ren): Promoting their Health and Wellbeing at Home, School, and Community. A workshop for parents and caregivers. Enoch Pratt Free Library, Orleans Street Branch. 08.01.19, Baltimore, MD
Okoronkwo, N., Xueqi, Q., & Ofonedu, M. E. (2019). Risk Factors for Suicidality in Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities [Poster]. Johns Hopkins University Career, Academic, and Research Experiences for Students, 07.2019 Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E. (2019). Sexual Health and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 101: A Workshop for Providers. Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities Summer Learning Series. 07.11.19, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E., Stewart, L., (2019). From Screening to Services: Improving Care Coordination and Engagement for People with Intellectual, Developmental, and other Disabilities in Our Community. Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities Summer Learning Series. 06.11.19, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E., (2019). American Psychological Association, ACT Raising Safe Kids Program for Professionals. Allegany College of Maryland. 05.14&15.19, Cumberland, MD
Ofonedu, M. E. (Discussant), Ndiaye, N. M., (2019). Cross-Cultural Factor in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Paper Presentation. Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Wendy Klag Center Journal Club. 05.06.19, Baltimore, MD
Herbert, T., & Ofonedu, M. E (2019). Exploring Personal Experience with Disability as a Factor that Affects Professional Practice in the Disability Field [Poster]. Maryland’s University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Research Initiatives for Student, 05.2019. Baltimore, MD
Khati, S., & Ofonedu, M. E (2019). Summer Learning Series: A Community and Professional Development Training Report [Poster]. Maryland’s University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Research Initiatives for Student, 04.2019. Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E., (2019). Sexual Health and Developmental Disabilities: How Providers can Help. Kennedy Krieger Institute. 04.17.19, Baltimore MD
Ofonedu, M. E., (2019). What is Sexual Health? Understanding Healthy Relationships, Sexual Self-Advocacy and Making Informed Choices. A Workshop for Individuals 18-35 years old with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities (I/DD). Kennedy Krieger Institute Montgomery County Campus. 03.27.19, Silver Spring, MD
Ofonedu, M. E., (2019). Effective Strategies for Promoting Positive Mental Health Outcomes for Black Youth. Baltimore City Social Work Association. 03.06.19, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E., (2019). What is Sexual Health? Talking to your Young and Grown Children about Sexuality. Kennedy Krieger Institute Montgomery County Campus. 02.20.19, Silver Spring, MD
Ofonedu, M. E. (Chair), Capone, K., Cox, B., Scott, M., (2019). Developmental Disabilities: Challenges, Opportunities and Future Directions. Kennedy Krieger Institute Core Course. 01.29.19, Baltimore MD
Ofonedu, M. E. (Chair), Zaks, Z., Rice, M., Swann, A., (2019). Challenging Common Perspectives on Disabilities. Kennedy Krieger Institute Core Course. 01.29.19, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E (2018). Suicide Prevention and Developmental Disabilities: How Schools can Help. St. Elizabeth School. 10. 31. 2018, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E (2018). Treatment of Depression in African American Adolescents. Montgomery County Government Office of Child Welfare Services. Upcounty Regional Services Center, 10. 24. 2018, Germantown, MD
Ofonedu, M. E., (2018). Careers in Social Work Panel. University of Maryland College Park, 10.09.18, College Park, MD
Ofonedu, M. E., Lipkin, P., van Stone, M., Law, K., (2018). Suicidality in Persons with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities: Assessment and Intervention Strategies. Maryland Annual Suicide Prevention Conference, 10.03.18, Woodlawn, MD.
Ofonedu, M. E (2018). Promoting Positive Mental Health Outcomes for Inner-City Youth: The Value of Home-School-Community Partnerships. Invited address at the Church of Redeemer Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week Series, 05.06.2018, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E (2018). Healing Pathway, A Creative Process: Working with Inner-City Youth. Invited address at Ailey Camp Towson University, 06.06.2018. Towson, MD.
Ofonedu, M. E, (2018). Treatment of Depression in African American Adolescents Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities Summer Learning Series, 06.28.2018, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E, Navarrete, A., Finn, M. (2018). Communicating with Culturally Diverse Parents of Exceptional Children and Special Education Law. Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities Summer Learning Series, 08.14.2018, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E (2018). Overview of the University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research & Service (UCEDD) and Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities (MCDD). Kennedy Krieger Institute Trainee Orientation, 09.11.2018, Baltimore, MD,
Ofonedu, M. E (2018). Working with Children with Emotional and Behavioral Problems in Schools: Prevention and Intervention Strategies. Children’s League Professional Development Initiative, 08.24.2018, Cumberland, MD
Ofonedu, M. E (2018). Promoting Positive Outcomes for Inner-City Youth: The Role of Interdisciplinary Collaboration. Brown Memorial Tutoring Services Opening Day, Keynote Speaker, 09.12.2018, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E (2018). American Psychological Association, ACT Raising Safe Kids for Parents and Caregivers: 9 Weeks Series for Foster Parents. University of Maryland Baltimore School of Social Work, Child Welfare Academy.01.20.2018 to 03.17.2018, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E (2017). Treatment of Depression in African American Adolescents. University of Maryland Baltimore School of Social Work. 10. 19. 2017, Shady Grove, MD
Ofonedu, M. E (2016). Understanding Treatment Engagement of Underserved Ethnic Minority Families and Children. University of Maryland School of Social Work. 10.27. 2016, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E (2015). Hear Our Voice: Depression among Inner-City African American Youth Exposed to Negative Life Events: Assessment and Treatment Strategies that Work. Kennedy Krieger Institute Trauma Training Academy, 10.02. 2015, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E., (Chair) Rowel, R., Brown-Elhillali, A., Neal, K., Edwards, L., (2015). Suicide and Culture: Taking the Cultural Context into Consideration for Suicide Prevention and Interventions [Symposium]. Maryland 27th Annual Suicide Prevention Conference. 10.07. 2015, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E (2015). Treatment of Depression in African American Adolescents Continuing Professional Education Instructor. University of Maryland Baltimore School of Social Work. 06. 25. 2015, Washington, DC
Ofonedu, M. E (2014). The New “At-Risk” Youth: Who They Are and How We can Help. Invited Speaker at the Maryland 25th Annual Suicide Prevention Conference. 10.01, 2014
Ofonedu, M. E (2013). Treatment of Depression in African American Adolescents. Continuing Professional Education Instructor. University of Maryland Baltimore School of Social Work, 12.12. 2013, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E (2013). Hear Our Voice: Depression among Inner City African American Youth: Assessment and Treatment Strategies that Work. Invited Speaker at the Maryland 25th Annual Suicide Prevention Conference, 10.02. 2013, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E., & Brown-Elhillali, A., (2013). Light at the End of the Tunnel: Treating Trauma and Reducing Suicidality with Evidence Based Methods. Invited co-Speaker at the Maryland 25th Annual Suicide Prevention Conference, 10.02.2013, Baltimore, MD
Ofonedu, M. E (2012). Treatment of depression in African American Adolescents. Invited Speaker at the Safe Harbor Christian Counseling Continuing Professional Education Conference. 10.12. 2012, Columbia, MD
Ofonedu, M. E (2012). Treatment of depression in African American Adolescents. Invited Speaker at the Safe Harbor Christian Counseling Continuing Professional Education Conference. 10.26. 2012, Annapolis, MD
Ofonedu, M. E (2012). Emotional Wellness for Families, Practitioners and Caregivers. Invited Speaker at the New Life Continuing Professional Education Conference, 06.23.2013, Columbia, MD