To communicate scientific research, we have published books, papers, and conference abstracts that showcase our advances and applications in technology. These are detailed below:

  • Books 
    Our faculty have published many books and book chapters, including the MRI Atlas of Human White Matter.
  • Book Chapters 
    Our faculty are often consulted or asked to write chapters in books on Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
  • Papers 
    Our many papers can be found through these RSS feeds, generated by the NIH's PubMed database.
  • Abstracts 
    We have a plethora of abstracts that summarize our presentations and posters at various conferences, including ISMRM and ENC.



Several of our esteemed faculty are considered experts in the field of magnetic resonance imaging. In particular, the following books have made a significant impact on the scientific community: 

The MRI Atlas of Human White Matter was published in 2005.

The MRI Atlas of Human White Matter

  • Authors: S. Mori, S. Wakana, L.M. Nagae-Poetscher, P.C.M. van Zijl
  • Publish Date: 2005
  • Description (From Amazon.Com Editorial Review / Concepts in Magnetic Resonance): 
    "This is one of the first books to provide highly detailed illustrations of human white matter created on the basis of high-resolution diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and 3D tract reconstruction. The atlas takes the reader on a journey through the 3D anatomy of the major white matter fiber bundles of the brain. The authors give a concise and helpful introduction to the four main categories of white matter tracts. The central part of the atlas is comprised of detailed, good-quality, high resolution consecutive DTI color maps in each orthogonal plane, accompanied by color-shaded parcellation maps highlighting the major white matter tracts. Summing up: Scrolling through the atlas was truly pleasurable." 
    From: CONCEPTS IN MAGNETIC RESONANCE PART A, Vol. 28A(2) 181-182 (2006), Chan Ling Ling, M.D., H. Rumpel, Ph.D., Dpt. of Diagnostic Radiology, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore 

Introduction to Diffusion Tensor Imaging was published in 2007.

Introduction to Diffusion Tensor Imaging

  • Authors: Susumu Mori
  • Publish Date: 2007
  • Description (From the Amazon.Com Editorial Review): 
    The concept of Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) is often difficult to grasp, even for Magnetic Resonance physicists. Introduction to Diffusion Tensor Imaging uses extensive illustrations (not equations) to help readers to understand how DTI works. Emphasis is placed on the interpretation of DTI images, the design of DTI experiments, and the forms of application studies. The theory of DTI is constantly evolving and so there is a need for a textbook that explains how the technique works in a way that is easy to understand - Introduction to Diffusion Tensor Imaging fills this gap. 
    • Uses extensive illustrations to explain the concept of Diffusion Tensor Imaging
    • Easy to understand, even without a background in physics
    • Includes sections on image interpretation, experimental design and applications

Book Chapters

  • S. Mori and p.C.M. van Zijl, " MR Tractography using Diffusion Tensor MR Imaging", in Clinical MR Neuroimaging: Diffusion, Perfusion and Spectroscopy", Eds. Gillard J., Waldman, A., Barker P.B., Cambridge University Press, 2005, p.86-98. 
  • J.Zhou and P.C.M van Zijl, "Studying Mobile Proteins ans Peptides in vivo using MRI and MRS", in "Biomedical Magnetic Resonance. Proceedings of the International workshop", Ed. N.R. Jagannathan, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi, 2005, p.353-361. 
  • P.C.M. van Zijl, L. Nagae-Poetscher, and S. Mori, "Quantitative Diffusion Imaging", in "MR Imaging in white matter diseases of the brain and spinal cord", Eds. Fillipi, M., De Stefano, N., Dousset, V., McGowan, J.C., Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2005.p. 63-82. 


These RSS feeds from the NIH's "PubMed" database showcase some of the many publications that are affiliated with the F. M. Kirby Center. Clicking on each name will take you to a link of the most current papers for that author, as published online by the NIH's searchable database.

For publications that relate to our technological research development programs under the National Research Resource Grant, please see our Resource Publications page. 

*This page is still currently under construction. More RSS links will be coming soon!



Many conference posters, presentations, and papers have been accepted from our graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and faculty. 

*More details on these will be coming soon.