van Stone
Esq., MS
Home Patient Care Faculty & Leadership Maureen van Stone, Esq., MS
1741 Ashland Avenue, Office 411
Baltimore, MD 21205
United States
Maureen is the director of the Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities (MCDD) at Kennedy Krieger Institute and the founding director of Project HEAL (Health, Education, Advocacy, and Law), a MCDD community-based program. Project HEAL is Maryland’s only comprehensive medical-legal partnership, which provides advocacy and legal services to children with disabilities who receive services at Kennedy Krieger Institute. Maureen is faculty for Kennedy Krieger Institute's Center for Innovation and Leadership in Special Education, adjunct faculty at Towson University and the University of Baltimore School of Law, and a faculty affiliate with the Wendy Klag Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities at The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Maureen is a member of Kennedy Krieger Institute’s ethics program.
Ms. van Stone received her bachelor of art’s degree in psychology from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, CA in 1996, her master of science in developmental psychology from The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD in 2002, and her Juris Doctor from Whittier Law School in Costa Mesa, CA in 2005. Ms. van Stone began her professional career on the neurobehavioral inpatient unit within the department of behavioral psychology at Kennedy Krieger Institute in 1996. She worked as a clinical assistant, behavioral data specialist, clinical specialist I, II, and III, before leaving to pursue her law degree. Ms. van Stone was admitted into Whittier Law School’s Center for Children’s Rights program as a fellow.
She worked as a legal intern for Mental Health Advocacy Services in Los Angeles, CA for the summer of 2003, The Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law in Chicago, IL, in the summer of 2004, and she worked for the Law Offices of Maureen Graves, a private law firm specializing in special education law during the academic year from 2003 – 2005. Upon graduation from Whittier Law School, Ms. van Stone received a two-year postgraduate legal fellowship from Equal Justice Works in Washington, D.C. Through the postgraduate legal fellowship, Ms. van Stone founded Project HEAL at Kennedy Krieger Institute. In 2009, Ms. van Stone also accepted the position of associate director of the Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities, Maryland’s University Center for Excellence in Disabilities, where she engaged in statewide advocacy and policy work on behalf of individuals with disabilities across the lifespan.
Since 2011, Ms. van Stone has been a frequent guest lecturer at The Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Towson University, the University of Delaware, the University of Maryland, and the University of Baltimore School of Law. In 2013, Ms. van Stone also became faculty for the Center for Innovation and Leadership in Special Education as well as adjunct faculty at Towson University. In 2014, Ms. van Stone joined Kennedy Krieger Institute’s ethics program. In 2016, Ms. van Stone became adjunct faculty at the University of Baltimore School of Law.
Ms. van Stone has served on the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA) Board of Directors since 2014. Ms. van Stone is currently on the executive committee of COPAA, as the vice chair, and the chair of the development committee, as well as COPAA's advisory board for the National Council on Disability IDEA Implementation Series and Report on Charter Schools, Choice, & Vouchers – Implications for Students with Disabilities. Ms. van Stone serves on the Maryland Developmental Disabiltiies Council and the Maryland Department of Health Developmental Disabilities Quality Advisory Council. From 2017-2018, Ms. van Stone served on the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy, Community of Practice on youth receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for the SSI Youth Recipient and Employment Transition Formative Research. From 2013-2017, Ms. van Stone served on The Jackson Healthcare Charitable Services Awards advisory committee.
Ms. van Stone is a graduate of the Leadership Maryland Class of 2012 and received the following awards from Maryland’s business and legal newspaper, The Daily Record: 2018 Top 100 Women award, 2016 Innovator of the Year, 2014 Very Important Professionals award, 2013 Maryland’s Top 100 Women award, 2012 Leadership in Law award, and 2011 Leading Women award. Additional awards include The Baltimore Business Journal 2021 Leaders in Diversity Award, 2014 Whittier Law School Distinguished Alumni Service Award, 2012 “Program of Excellence” by Jackson Healthcare Charitable Service Awards Program, 2008 Women in Business Award presented by Mix 106.5, The Arc of Baltimore’s 2008 Professional of the Year Award, and the 2006 and 2008 recipient of The CityWide Special Education Advocacy Project Award for outstanding contributions to children and families in Baltimore City.
Maureen's most significant contributions to science include research on how advocacy and legal issues affect individuals with disabilities across the lifespan. The information below represents selected publications, presentations, and posters.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2018. Opportunities for improving programs and services for children with disabilities. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi:
Levy, J. & Van Stone, M. (2010). Ethical Foundations and Legal Issues. In S.L. Friedman & D.T. Helms (Eds.), End-of-Life Care for Children and Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Washington DC: American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
Levy, J. & Van Stone, M. (2010). Ethical and Legal Issues. In R.C. Dryden-Edwards & L. Combrick-Graham (Eds.), Developmental Disabilities from Childhood through Adulthood. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:
Ehmann, M., Zink, E., Levin, A., Suarez, J., Belcher, H., Daugherty Biddison, E., . . . Kachalia, A. (in press). Operational recommendations for scarce allocation in a public health crisis. CHEST. doi:
Carey, L. B., Schmidt, J., Dommestrup, A. K., Pritchard, A. E., van Stone, M., Grasmick, N., ... & Jacobson, L. A. (2020). Beyond Learning About the Brain: A Situated Approach to Training Teachers in Mind, Brain, and Education. Mind, Brain, and Education.
Zisser, A. & Van Stone, M. (2015). Health, Education, Advocacy, and Law: An Innovative Approach to Improving Outcomes for Low-Income Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 12, 132-137.
Hagopian, L. P., Van Stone, M., & Crockett, J. L. (2003). Establishing Schedule Control over Dropping to the Floor. Behavioral Interventions, 18, 291-297.
Hagopian, L. P., Crockett, J. L., Van Stone, M., DeLeon, I. G., & Bowman, L. G. (2000). Effects of noncontingent reinforcement on problem behavior and stimulus engagement: The role of satiation, extinction, and alternative reinforcement. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 33, 433 – 449.
Van Stone, M. (2006). Child Victims of Sexual Abuse in the Roman Catholic Church. A Report from Whittier Law School’s Center for Children’s Rights.
Van Stone, M. (2005). Los Padrinos Juvenile Advocacy Clinic. A Report from Whittier Law School’s Center for Children’s Rights, 11.
Talks & Symposia:
Van Stone, M. & Legg, M. (2022). Evolving Trends in Student Discipline: Disproportionality, Early Elementary Suspension Bands, and the Police-Free Schools Movement. Conference session presented at the OCALICON online conference, Columbus, OH.
Ayers, K., Meredith, S., van Stone, M., Waller, T. & Smith, L. (2022). Wrapping up The Center for Dignity in Healthcare: Reducing Healthcare Inequities for People with Disabilities. Conference panel presentation at The Association of University Centers on Disabilities, Washington, D.C.
Van Stone, M., Walsh, T., Vestal, L., Kalb, L., & Gotto, G. (2022). Supporting the Well-Being of Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Conference panel presentation at The Association of University Centers on Disabilities, Washington, D.C.
Samaco, R., Schlaggar, B., van Stone, M., & Asato, M. (2022). Dialogue Across the AUCD Network to Advance Meaningful Collaborations. Conference panel presentation at The Association of University Centers on Disabilities, Washington, D.C.
Van Stone, M., & Legg, M. (2022). Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities. Conference session at the Maryland Rural Health Association conference, Flintstone, MD.
Van Stone, M. & Parsons, A. (2022). Accessing Special Education and Related Services and Community-Based Supports. Conference session at Rett ED Day, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2022). Recognizing Employee Diversity & Capitalizing on Performance. Conference session at BAE Systems Ethics Conference, Falls Church, VA.
Van Stone, M., Legg, M., & Thorn, A. (2022). Evolving Trends in Student Discipline: Disproportionality, Early Elementary Suspension Bands, and the Police-Free Schools Movement. Conference session at the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates conference, Boston, MA.
Van Stone, M., Walsh, T., Mueller, N., Kalb, L., & Gotto, G. (2021). Supporting the Well-Being of Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Conference panel presentation at The Association of University Centers on Disabilities Virtual Conference.
Ayers, K., Meredith, S., van Stone, M., & Smith, L. (2021). Making the inclusion people with disabilities a health equity priority: Addressing current gaps in healthcare access across the lifespan. Conference roundtable presentation at the American Public Health Association Virtual Conference, Denver, CO and Online.
Ayers, K., Meredith, S., van Stone, M., & Smith, L. (2021). Defining Equity Toward People with Disabilities Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: Allocation of Scarce Resources, Health Accommodations, Vaccine Prioritization, Accessible Education Resources, and Stakeholder Inclusion. Conference panel presentation at the American Society of Bioethics and Humanities Virtual Conference.
Van Stone, M., Leppert, M., Landa, R., Menon, D., Crockett, J., Vasa, R., & Legg, M. (2021). Best Practices in Meeting the Academic, Medical, Social, and Emotional, and Behavioral Needs of Children and Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Conference panel presentation at Sussex County, DE.
Ervin, D., Johnson, E., Macbeth, J., van Stone, M. & Weintraub, L. (2021). The Time is Now: Vaccine Advocacy. Plenary presented at the 2021 virtual American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry Conference.
Van Stone, M., Legg, M., & Thorn, A. (2021). Disproportionate Discipline of Students with Disabilities. Symposium presented at the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates conference, Baltimore, MD.
Seid-Margolis, L. & van Stone, M. Special Education Law: Theory and Practice. Seminar presented at Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD, November 2020, December 2018 & 2017, November 2016, October 2015, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, & 2006.
Van Stone, M., Ayers, K., Smith, L., Riddle, I., Waller, T., Opii, T. & Adams, C. (2020). The Center for Dignity in Healthcare: Reducing Health Inequities and Addressing Medical Discrimination Experienced by People With Developmental Disabilities. Symposium presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities conference, Washington, D.C.
Van Stone, M., Legg, M., & Thorn, A. (2020). Special Education Law Overview. Symposium presented at the OCALICON conference, Columbus, OH.
Van Stone, M., Legg, M., & Thorn, A. (2020). Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities. Symposium presented at the Maryland Rural Health Association conference, Flintstone, MD.
Van Stone, M., Finn. M., & Thorn, A. (2020). Special Education Law During the COVID-19 School Closures. Seminar presented for Morgan Stanley, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2020). Special Education Law During the COVID-19 School Closures. Seminar presented at the 4th Annual Autism Awareness Conference, Berlin, MD.
Van Stone, M., (2020). Thirty Years of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Seminar presented for Morgan Stanley, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M., Finn, M., & Thorn, A. (2020). Bringing Legislation on Cameras in Classrooms into Focus. Symposium presented at the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Callegary, E. & van Stone, M. (2019). Medical Decision Making/Informed Consent and People with Intellectual Disabilities. Seminar presented at Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2019). Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities. Seminar presented at the 3rd Annual Autism Conference, Berlin, MD.
Van Stone, M., Obst, B., Herman, S., Cleveland, C., & Reber, P. (2019.) Interdisciplinary Approaches to Addressing Sexual Health Education Across Disabilities and the Lifespan. Symposium presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference, Washington, D.C.
Van Stone, M., Finn, M., & Navarrete, A. (2019). Be Buddies, Not Bullies. Symposium presented at the Council of Attorneys and Advocates Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Van Stone, M. (2018). The Difference Between Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Seminar presented at the District of Columbia Public Schools’ Professional Development, Washington, D.C.
Kleiner, D., Stone, J., & van Stone, M. (2018). When Patients’ Preferences Appear Discriminatory – Assessing Ethical Implications. Panel presentation for Kennedy Krieger Institute’s Ethics Program, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2018). Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities. Seminar presented at the 2nd Annual Autism Conference, Ocean City, MD.
Pavithran, S., van Stone, M., Ray-Leonetti, R., & Christensen, J. (2018). Your Voice in Advocacy for Inclusive Communities. Symposium presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference, Washington, D.C.
Ofonedu, M., van Stone, M., Lipkin, P., & Law, J. K. (2018). Suicidality in Persons with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities: Assessment and Intervention Strategies. Symposium presented at Maryland’s 30th Annual Suicide Prevention Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. & Navarrete, A. (2018). Guardianship and Less Restrictive Alternatives. Symposium presented at the Ridge Ruxton Parent Resource Fair, Baltimore County Public Schools, Towson, MD.
Van Stone, M. & Finn, M. (2018). Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities. Symposium presented at Howard County’s 5th Annual Transition Symposium, “Stop Waiting and Start Planning,” Fulton, MD.
Finn, M. & Van Stone, M. (2018). LRE for Students with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs): Essential Assessments and Considerations. Symposium presented at the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates Annual Conference, Monterey, CA.
Stone, J., Van Stone, M., & Domingo-Snyder, E. (2018). When Patients’ Preferences are Based on Race. Panel presentation for Kennedy Krieger Institute’s Ethics Program, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2017). Overview of a University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service. Seminar presented at Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2017). Bullying and Special Education Students. Symposium presented for the National Business Institute’s Special Education from A to Z, Linthicum Heights, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2017). Managing Behavioral Issues: Avoiding Critical Mistakes. Symposium presented for the National Business Institute’s Special Education from A to Z, Linthicum Heights, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2017). Bullying of Individuals with Special Needs: What It Means and How You Can Help. Workshop presented at the Caroline County Public Schools’ Special Education Citizens’ Advisory Committee meeting, Denton, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2017). Bullying of Individuals with Special Needs and Disabilities. Workshop presented at the Queen Anne’s County Public Schools’ Citizens’ Advisory Committee meeting, Centerville, MD
Van Stone, M. (2017). Understanding Special Education and IEP Development. Workshop presented at the 2nd Annual Parent Empowerment Conference, Baltimore City Public School System, Baltimore, MD.
Melicosta, M., Goel, R., Van Stone, M., McIntyre, J., McIntyre, K., & Shepley, P. (2017). The Ethical Challenges in Supporting Young Adults with Disabilities and Their Families. Panel presentation at “Ethics for Lunch” at The Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. & Finn, M. (2017). Bullying, Harassment, and Intimidation of Students with Disabilities in Maryland Public Schools. Maryland Nonprofits Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. & Finn, M. (2017) Federal, State, and Local Efforts to Address Overly Punitive School Discipline Policies For Early-Elementary Students. Symposium presented at the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates Annual Conference, Dallas, TX.
Watts, C., Favaloro, M. & Van Stone, M. (2017). Advocacy 201: Skills Every Advocate Needs to Know. Two-day preconference session presented at the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates Annual Conference, Dallas, TX.
Van Stone, M. (2017). Legal Aspects of School Disciplinary Removals. Workshop presented for the Office of Special Education, Somerset County Public Schools, Princess Anne, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2017). Bullying, Harassment, and Intimidation of Students with Disabilities in Maryland Public Schools. Workshop presented for the Office of Special Education, Somerset County Public Schools, Princess Anne, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2017). Hot Topics in Special Education. Workshop presented for the Office of Special Education, Somerset County Public Schools, Princess Anne, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2016). Maryland Charter School Legal and Legislative Updates. Seminar presented for the National Business Institute, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2016). Knowledge is the Key: Being an Informed, Essential Parent. Workshop presented at the 1st Annual Parent Empowerment Conference, Baltimore City Public School System, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2016). Individuals on the Autism Spectrum in the Involuntary Admissions Process. Seminar presented at The Abilities Network, Towson, MD.
Van Stone, M., Finn, M. & Coster, M. (2016). Be Buddies, Not Bullies: Issues with Bullying in School-Aged Children. Workshop presented at the STAR Training, Center for Autism and Related Disorders, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2016). How to Create a Sustainable Postgraduate Legal Project. Seminar presented at the Center for Children and Families, Whittier Law School, Costa Mesa, CA.
Van Stone, M. & Carey, L. B. (2016). Behavioral-Health – Medical-Legal Partnership Training: Education Advocacy II Series. Webinar presented for the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership, Washington, DC.
Van Stone, M. (2016). Knowledge is the Key: Being an Informed, Essential Parent. Workshop presented for the Parent Empowerment Conference, Baltimore City Public School System, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2016). Individuals on the Autism Spectrum in the Involuntary Admissions Process. Seminar presented to the Office of Administrative Hearings, Hunt Valley, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2016). Bullying, Harassment, and Intimidation of Students with Disabilities in Maryland Public Schools. Workshop presented for the Office of Special Education, The Board of Education for Caroline County, Denton, MD.
Van Stone, M. & Finn, M. (2016). Bullying, Harassment, and Intimidation of Students in Maryland Public Schools. Symposium presented at the Maryland Association of Resources for Families & Youth 36th Annual Conference, “All Systems Go: Success … When opportunity and preparedness meet,” Ocean City, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2016). Bullying, Harassment, and Intimidation of Students with Disabilities in Maryland Public Schools. Workshop presented for the Special Education Citizens Advisory Committee, The Board of Education for Caroline County, Denton, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2016). Disciplinary Action for Students with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities. The Spectrum of Developmental Disabilities XXXVIII Controversies in the Clinic and the Classroom, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2016). Be Buddies, Not Bullies: Issues with School-Aged Bullying. Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Almazan, S., Smith, D., & Van Stone, M. (2016). New IDEA Attorney Skills Training: Special Education Law, Procedure, and Strategy. Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Van Stone, M., Finn, M., & Coster, M. (2015). Special lecture: Bullying, Harassment, & Intimidation of Students with Disabilities, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2015). Understanding Your Parental Rights. Workshop presented for the Partners for Success Program, Baltimore City Public School System, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2015). Legal Aspects of School Disciplinary Removals. Symposium presented at the Autism Spectrum Disorders Conference, Salisbury, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2015). Tips for helping families successfully manage the IFSP/IEP process. Association for Successful Parenting International Conference, Memphis, TN.
Van Stone, M. (2015). Tips for professionals on how to help families successfully manage the IFSP/IEP process. Association for Successful Parenting International Conference, Memphis, TN.
Jones, M., Van Stone, M., Margolis, L., Paauwe, H., & Vernick, A. (2015). School Matters after Hemispherectomy. Symposium presented at the 2015 International Hemispherectomy Conference and Family Reunion, Linthicum, MD.
Van Stone, M., Owens, L., Walston, B., & Helfand, H. (2015). Special Education Trends, Challenges, and Issues in Identifying and Serving Students with Learning Disabilities among the Non-English Speaking Population. Symposium presented at the National Association of Administrative Law Judiciary 2015 Mid-Year Conference, Annapolis, MD.
Capozzalo, G., Corris, J., & Van Stone, M. (2015). The Evolving Role of the Community Program Leader. Panel discussion at the 2015 Hospital Charitable Services Awards Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Van Stone, M. (2014). Bullying, Harassment, and Intimidation of Students with Disabilities in Maryland Public Schools. Symposium presented at the Autism Spectrum Disorders Conference, Wye Mills, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2014). Bullying, Harassment, and Intimidation of Students with Disabilities in Maryland Public Schools. Symposium presented at the Brain Injury Association of Maryland 2014 Annual Conference “Cherish Today … Challenge Tomorrow,” Timonium, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2014). Bullying, Harassment, and Intimidation of Students with Disabilities in Maryland Public Schools. Symposium presented at the Kennedy Krieger Institute, Adolescent Transition Lecture Series, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2013). Transition Planning 101: Entitlement to Eligibility. Symposium presented at The 2013 Maryland Transition Conference, Bowie, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2013). Bullying, Harassment, and Intimidation of Students with Disabilities in Maryland Public Schools. Symposium presented at the Maryland Association of Resources for Families & Youth 33rd Annual Conference, “Collaboration & Integration: How to Play in the Sandbox,” Ocean City, MD.
Goodman, S., Ferguson, T., Van Stone, M., Saylor, P., & Paul, A. (2013). The Ethan Saylor Tragedy – What Can We Learn? Symposium presented at the National Down Syndrome Congress 41st Annual Convention, Denver, CO.
Caley, S., Stevens, H., Manchanda, R., O’Connell, M., Van Stone, M. (2013). Achieving Quality and Sustainability for All MLP Programs. Symposium presented at the 2013 Medical-Legal Partnership Summit, Bethesda, MD.
Van Stone, M. & Smith, C. L. (2011). Training For School Resource Officers on Disability Awareness. Symposium presented at the 2011 TASH Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Van Stone, M. (2011). Restraint and Seclusion: An Overview of Law and Practice. Symposium presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Maryland Association for Behavior Analysis, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2011). Special Education Case Law Review. Symposium presented at the 11th Annual Autism Conference, Timonium, MD.
Strickland, B., Chapman, L. A., Van Stone, M. & Smith, C. L. (2011). Legal Needs Across the Lifespan: from Children with Special Healthcare Needs to Adults with Chronic Disease. Symposium presented at the 6th Annual National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership Summit, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2010). Transitional Youth: Understanding the Legal Basis for Transition Planning in Maryland. Symposium presented at the 2010 Maryland Rehabilitation Association and Maryland Division of Rehabilitation Services Training Conference, Ocean City, MD.
Van Stone, M. & Almazan, S. (2010). Educational Issues for Individuals with Cerebral Palsy. Symposium presented at the Themes in Neurorehabilitation: Cerebral Palsy Across the Lifespan Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2010). Changes to Special Education Polices, Practices, and Procedures in Maryland. Symposium presented at the Brain Injury Association of Maryland Annual Education Conference, Towson, MD.
Van Stone, M., Botkin, L., Conroy, K., Lawton, E. & Marple, K. (2010). Medical-Legal Partnership 101. Symposium presented at the 2010 Medical-Legal Partnership Summit, Washington, DC.
Van Stone, M. (2009). Developmental Disabilities: Future Challenges. Seminar presented at Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2009). Changes to Special Education Polices, Practices, and Procedures in Maryland. Symposium presented at the Maryland Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Towson, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2008). Discipline for Students in Maryland Public Schools. Symposium presented at the 28th annual conference of the Maryland Association of Resources for Families and Youth, Ocean City, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2008). Transition Services for Children with Disabilities under IDEA 2004. Symposium presented at the Parents’ Place of Maryland Teleconference Series, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2007). Transition Services for Children with Disabilities. Symposium presented at Navigating the Road from School to Adulthood for All Youth with Disabilities in Maryland Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2007). Methods for Improving Transition Services for Children with Disabilities. Symposium presented at the 27th annual conference of the Maryland Association of Resources for Families and Youth, Ocean City, MD.
Tipton, H. & Van Stone, M. (2007). Making Sense of Medical Records: A Training for Legal Service Providers. Symposium presented at a training hosted by Public Justice Center, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2007). Methods for Improving Transition Services for Children with Disabilities, A Workshop for the Resource Network, A Project of Kennedy Krieger Institute, The Adolescent Transition Lecture Series, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2007). Legal Issues and Adolescents: How Can We Help Adolescents and Their Families Advocate for Themselves? Symposium presented at The Adolescent Learner: Issues and Answers, Education Summit, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2006). Advocacy 101 and New IDEA, A Workshop for the Resource Network, A Project of Kennedy Krieger Institute, The Adolescent Transition Lecture Series, Baltimore, MD.
Tipton, H. & Van Stone, M. (2005). Out with the Old and In with the New: Changes in SPED Laws. Symposium presented at the 14th Educational Symposium, A Workshop for School Professionals of Students with Mental Health and Health Issues, The Johns Hopkins Hospital Department of Pediatric and GYN/OB Social Work, Baltimore, MD.
Hagopian, L., Crockett, J., Van Stone, M., DeLeon, I., & Bowman, L. (2000). Response allocation between stimulus engagement and problem behavior: a matching account of noncontingent reinforcement effects. Symposium presented at the 26th annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Washington, D.C.
Hagopian, L., Crockett, J. Van Stone, M., DeLeon, I., & Bowman, L. (1999). Response allocation between stimulus engagement and problem behavior: a matching account of noncontingent reinforcement effects. Symposium presented at the 2nd annual convention of the Maryland Association for Behavior Analysis, Baltimore, MD.
Finn, M., Vallario, A., & van Stone, M. (2019). An Innovative Approach to Meet the Civil Legal Needs of Young Adults with Disabilities. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference, Washington, D.C.
Aldridge, P., Navarrete, A., & van Stone, M. (2018). Effective Strategies for Communicating with Parents who Immigrated to the U.S. and Are Raising Children with Disabilities. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference, Washington, D.C.
Rotondo, J., Navarrete, A., & van Stone, M. (2018). Social, Emotional and Educational Impacts on Siblings of Individuals with Disabilities Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference, Washington, D.C.
Song, D., van Stone, M., & Finn, M. (2018). Evaluating the Impact of a Medical-Legal Partnership on Children with Disabilities. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference, Washington, D.C.
Van Stone, M., Finn, M., Hornik, G., & Koya, M. (2017). Parents and Guardians Can Make Their Voices Heard Through Effective Legal Representation in Special Education Matters. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference, Washington, D.C.
Richmond, E. H., Van Stone, M., & Smith, C. L. (2017). Building the Bridge between Neuroscience and Education for Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers to Promote Inclusion for Students with Disabilities. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference, Washington, D.C.
Daly, A. M., Van Stone, M., & Smith, C. L. (2016). Do We Need Police to Keep Our Schools Safe? Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference, Washington, D.C.
Eversole, R., Van Stone, M., & Smith, C. L. (2016). Ending Early Elementary Suspensions in Maryland Schools. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference, Washington, D.C.
Grow, J. L., Van Stone, M., & Smith, C. L. (2016). Providing an Appropriate Education to English Language Learners with Disabilities. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference, Washington, D.C.
Hoppe, E., Rothman, M., Finn, M., & Van Stone, M. (2016). Enhancing the Knowledge and Tools Available to Mental Health Professionals Related to the Special Education Needs of Pediatric Patients. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference, Washington, D.C.
Paxton, B., Finn, M., & Van Stone, M. (2016). Analyzing the Recovery of Employment Rates for Persons with and without Disabilities after the Financial Crisis of 2008. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference, Washington, D.C.
Siske, A., Van Stone, M., Finn, M., & Smith, C. L. (2016). Using Assistive Technology to Reduce the Graduation Gap: A Reconsideration of the Legal Framework. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference, Washington, D.C.
Van Stone, M., Lai, Y., Stone, J., & Smith, C. L. (2016). An Innovative Approach to Interprofessional Training Through a Medical-Legal Partnership. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference, Washington, D.C.
Lai, Y., Van Stone, M., Stone, J., & Smith, C. L. (2016). An Innovative Approach to Interprofessional Training through an MLP. Poster presented at the 11th Annual Medical-Legal Partnership Summit, Indianapolis, IN.
Van Stone, M., Dauksha, M., Smith, C. L. & Finn, M. (2016). Effective Transition Services to Promote Successful Outcomes in Post-School Placements. Poster presented at the Council for Exceptional Children Conference, Columbia, MD.
Schiel, C., Van Stone, M. & Smith, C. L. (2015). Medical-Legal Partnerships: The Impact of Educational Advocacy. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference, Washington, D.C.
Van Stone, M., Delaney, J., Finn, M. & Smith, C. L. (2015). Providing Parents with Limited English Proficiency with Meaningful Participation in their Child’s IEP Development. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference, Washington, D.C.
Van Stone, M., Woolf, A. & Smith, C. L. (2015). Children with Disabilities: Getting School Systems to Identify and Address Emotional Disabilities through the Child Find Mandate. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference, Washington, D.C.
Van Stone, M., Dauksha, M., & Smith, C. L. (2015). Effective Transition Services to Promote Successful Outcomes in Post-School Placements. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference, Washington, D.C.
Van Stone, M., Rothman, M. & Stewart, L. (2015). Extracurricular Programs in Middle and High Schools Promoting Inclusion of Students with Developmental Disabilities: A Systematic Review of Model Programs. Poster presented at the Wendy Klag Center for Autism & Developmental Disabilities “Learning about Autism from Studies Big and Small,” Baltimore, MD.
Schiel, C., Van Stone, M. & Smith, C. L. (2015). Medical-Legal Partnerships: The Impact of Educational Advocacy. Poster presented at the 10th Anniversary Medical-Legal Partnership Summit, McLean, VA.
Van Stone, M., Smith, C. L. & Sugar, P. S. (2015). Leveraging a Law Firm Partner to Maximize Impact. Poster presented at the 10th Anniversary Medical-Legal Partnership Summit, McLean, VA.
Van Stone, M., Finn, M. & Smith, C. L. (2015). Mediation in Special Education Matters: What does Voluntary Mean? Poster presented at the 10th Anniversary Medical-Legal Partnership Summit, McLean, VA.
Van Stone, M., Machometa, J. & Smith, C. L. (2015). Positive Outcomes for Advocates Using Principled Negotiation. Poster presented at the 10th Anniversary Medical-Legal Partnership Summit, McLean, VA.
Jackson, W. III, Belcher, H., & van Stone, M. (2014). Project HEAL: Advocacy and Policy for Individuals with Disabilities. Poster presented at the 142nd American Public Health Association Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans, LA.
Van Stone, M., Machometa, J. & Smith, C. L. (2014). Positive Outcomes for Advocates Using Principled Negotiation. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference, Washington, D.C.
McLaughlin, K., Van Stone, M. & Smith, C. L. (2014). Improving Mental Health for Children by Incorporating Medical Legal Partnerships (MLP) in Schools. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference, Washington, D.C.
Van Stone, M., Finn, M. & Smith, C. L. (2014). Mediation in Special Education Matters: What does Voluntary Mean? Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference, Washington, D.C.
Van Stone, M., Rothman, M. & Stewart, L. (2014). Extracurricular Programs in Middle and High Schools Promoting Inclusion of Students with Developmental Disabilities: A Systematic Review of Model Programs. Poster presented at the 2014 Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference, Washington, D.C.
Van Stone, M., McDermott, S. M., & Smith, C. L. (2014). Parental Perception of the Transition Process and the Role of Non-School-Affiliated Professionals. Poster presented at the 8th Annual Kennedy Krieger Institute Neuropsychology Research Forum, Baltimore, MD.
McLaughlin, K., Van Stone, M., & Smith, C. (2014). Improving Mental Health for Children by Incorporating MLPs in Schools. Poster presented at the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership Summit, Seattle, WA.
Van Stone, M., McDermott, S. M., & Smith, C. L. (2014). Parental Perception of the Transition Process and the Role of Non-School-Affiliated Professionals. Poster presented at Association for Behavior Analysis 40th Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
Van Stone, M., McDermott, S. M., & Smith, C. L. (2013). Parental Perception of the Transition Process and the Role of Non-School-Affiliated Professionals. Poster presented at the Maryland Association of Applied Behavior Analysis Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M., McDermott, S. M., & Smith, C. L. (2013). Parental Perception of the Transition Process and the Role of Non-School-Affiliated Professionals. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Annual Meeting and Conference, Washington, D.C.
Van Stone, M., Naugle, P., & McIntyre, H. (2012). Analyzing the Legal and Practical Implications of Appropriate Transition Planning for Children with Autism Spectrum Diagnosis. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Annual Meeting and Conference, Washington, D.C.
Van Stone, M., Jensby, E., & Majewski, K. (2012). An Innovative Approach to Addressing the Medical and Legal Needs of Individuals with Disabilities. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Annual Meeting and Conference, Washington, D.C.
Hardesty, S., Zablotsky, B., & Van Stone, M. (2012). Facing the Facts: Addressing Problems with Anti-Bullying Policies and Surveillance Systems in Maryland Schools. Poster presented at the Association on University Centers on Disabilities Annual Meeting and Conference, Washington, D.C.
Van Stone, M. & Cimino, S. (2011). Legal Issues Affecting Military Families Raising Children with Disabilities. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Annual Conference, Crystal City, VA.
Van Stone, M. (2011). An Interdisciplinary Approach to Improving Outcomes for Low-Income Children with Disabilities. Poster presented at the American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Annual Conference, St. Paul, MN.
Van Stone, M., Ulbricht, J., & Smith, C. L. (2011). Training for School Resource Officers on Disability Awareness. Poster presented at the American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Annual Conference, St. Paul, MN.
Van Stone, M. (2011). An Interdisciplinary Approach to Improving Outcomes for Low-Income Children with Disabilities. Poster presented at the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership Summit, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2010). An Interdisciplinary Approach to Improving Outcomes for Low-Income Children with Disabilities. Poster presented at the Association on University Centers on Disabilities Annual Meeting and Conference, Washington, D.C.
Van Stone, M., Ulbricht, J., & Smith, C. L. (2010). Training for School Resource Officers on Disability Awareness. Poster presented at the Association on University Centers on Disabilities Annual Meeting and Conference, Washington, D.C.
Long, E., Kahng, S., Kurtz, P., Van Stone, M., Lieblein, T., & Paclawskyj, T. (2002). Evaluation of the ‘divided attention’ condition during functional analysis of severe problem behavior. Poster presented at the 28th annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Toronto, Canada.
Trosclair, N., Roane, H., Fisher, W., Piazza, C., Van Stone, M., & Barclay, B. (2002). Treatment of problem behavior associated with transitions. Poster presented at the 28th annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Toronto, Canada.
Arnold, K., DeLeon, I., Uy, M., Rodriquez-Catter, V., & Van Stone, M. (2001). Covariation between bizarre speech as a function of the content of social attention. Poster presented at the 4th annual convention of the Maryland Association for Behavior Analysis, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M., Vu, C., Condon, L., & Kahng, S. (2001). An evaluation of functional communication training as a treatment for self-injurious behavior during longer observational periods. Poster presented at the 27th annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, New Orleans, LA.
Van Stone, M., Keevican, A., Hagopian, L., & Crockett, J. (2000). Treating dropping to the floor maintained by automatic reinforcement for an adolescent with mental retardation. Poster presented at the 26th annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Washington, D.C.
Rush, K., Hagopian, L., Perry, A., & Van Stone, M. (1999). The eliciting effects of reinforcer removal in a functional analysis tangible condition. Poster presented at the 25th annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL.
Van Stone, M., DeLeon, I., Lindauer, S. & Fisher, W. (1999). Decreasing signs of negative affect and correlated self-injury in an individual with mental retardation and mood disturbances. Poster presented at the 25th annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL.
Van Stone, M., Keevican, A., Hagopian, L., & Crockett, J. (1999). Treating dropping to the floor maintained by automatic reinforcement for an adolescent with mental retardation. Poster presented at the 2nd annual convention of the Maryland Association for Behavior Analysis, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M., DeLeon, I., Lindauer, S., & Fisher, W. (1998). Decreasing signs of negative affect and correlated self-injury in an individual with mental retardation and mood disturbances. Poster presented at the 1st annual convention of the Maryland Association for Behavior Analysis, Baltimore, MD.
Other Media:
Van Stone, M. & Swenor, B. (2021, January 4). Disability and The Democratic Process. The Democracy Project.
Swenor, B., Reed, N. (Hosts), & van Stone, M. (Guest). (2020, October 8). Voting: National and State Perspectives (Episode 1) [Audio podcast episode]. In Included: The Disability Equity Podcast. Johns Hopkins University Disability Health Research Center.
Van Stone, M. (2020, May 1). Equitable Access to Remote Learning Is Paramount. AUCD Policy Talk.