Relationships and navigating relationships can be complicated for everyone. Intimacy and relationships are important factors for our well-being. You may have questions or concerns surrounding current or future relationships.

Changes in roles and routines can cause stress in relationships as you and your partner begin to adjust to a spinal cord injury. Remember that adjustment takes time and everyone adjusts in their own way and on their own time. Being open to life-long learning and using open and honest communication are keys to developing and maintaining healthy relationships. Making time for partners as well as allowing space and time for partners is important. More information on this can be found on this website created by the United Spinal Association website: Relationships & Dating - United Spinal Association

Take some time to explore the information this website provides. There are a lot of great resources available for you. You can also talk with your social worker or therapist about more strategies for navigating relationships and dating after a spinal cord injury,

More resources

Below you will see more resources available with information on navigating relationships & dating after a spinal cord injury.



This website covers common questions and concerns related to changes in relationships after spinal cord injury. Relationships - SCI Sexual Health Site



The first link is a video about dating after a spinal cord injury and some suggestions for getting back out there: Dating After SCI — Sexuality after SCI (


The second video is a short documentary from the perspective of a person with a spinal cord injury and how they began to embrace personal relationships again. A Different Way (Short Documentary) (



This is a video about the importance of communication in relationships and for your sex life. Communication — Sexuality after SCI (