Howard, W. J. (Spring, 2014). An alternative to the restrictive strategy in modern missing data procedures. Invited talk at the Department of Mental Health, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD.
Howard, W. J. & Little, T. D. (Fall, 2013). Using principal components analysis to obtain auxiliary variables for missing data in large data sets. Invited talk at the Department of Psychology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC.
Howard, W. J. & Little, T. D. (Spring, 2013). Use of principal components analysis to reap the benefits of the inclusive strategy in the presence of many possible auxiliary variables. Invited talk at the annual Modern Modeling Methods (M3) Conference, Storrs, CT.
Howard, W. J. (Spring, 2013). Missing data analysis. Invited talk at the bi-annual Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Data Management Core, Johns Hopkins University, Bayview, MD.
Howard, W. J. (Fall, 2012). Understanding missing data: An introduction to basic concepts. Invited talk at the bi-annual Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Data Management Core Seminar, Johns Hopkins University, Bayview, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2010). Transitional Youth: Understanding the Legal Basis for Transition Planning in Maryland. Symposium presented at the 2010 Maryland Rehabilitation Association and Maryland Division of Rehabilitation Services Training Conference, Ocean City, MD.
Van Stone, M. & Almazan, S. (2010). Educational Issues for Individuals with Cerebral Palsy. Symposium presented at the Themes in Neurorehabilitation : Cerebral Palsy Across the Lifespan Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2010). Changes to Special Education Polices, Practices, and Procedures in Maryland. Symposium presented at the Brain Injury Association of Maryland Annual Education Conference, Towson, MD.
Van Stone, M., Botkin, L., Conroy, K., Lawton,E. & Marple, K. (2010). Medical-Legal Partnership 101. Symposium presented at the 2010 Medical-Legal Partnership Summit, Washington, DC.
Strickland, B., Chapman, L.A., Smith, C., & van Stone, M. (2011). Legal needs across the lifespan: From children with special health care needs to adults with chronic disease. Medical-Legal Partnership: A New Standard of Care (National Conference), March 25, 2011. Presenter. Baltimore, MD.
Smith, C.L. (2011). Evaluation: Making it work for you. Presentation to the TASP: A Chance to Parent Conference. Monday, September 12, 2011. Baltimore, MD.
Smith, C.L. (2011). Evaluating Collaboration: Moving toward the tangible. Presentation to the Midwest Research and Evaluation Exchange Conference. Friday, September 16, 2011. Kansas City, MO.
Van Stone, M. & Smith, C.L. (2011). Training For School Resource Officers on Disability Awareness. Symposium presented at the 2011 TASH Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Van Stone, M. (2011). Restraint and Seclusion: An Overview of Law and Practice. Symposium presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Maryland Association for Behavior Analysis, Baltimore, MD.
Van Stone, M. (2011). Special Education Case Law Review. Symposium presented at the 11th Annual Autism Conference, Timonium, MD.
Strickland, B., Chapman, L.A., van Stone, M. & Smith, C.L. (2011). Legal Needs Across the Lifespan: from Children with Special Healthcare Needs to Adults with Chronic Disease. Symposium presented at the 6th Annual National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership Summit, Baltimore, MD.
Beasley, J., Jacobstein, D., Smith, C.L., Tasse’, M.J., & Kiefer-Odonnell, R. (2012). Behavioral Health supports and services for persons with IDD. Concurrent panel discussion. AUCD National Conference, 2012.
Howard, W. J. (2012). Applied structural equation modeling in social work research. In Okech, D. Evaluating the effects of child savings accounts program participation on parental well-being. Research on Social Work Practice, 22(4), 357-366. doi: 10.1177/1049731512440185
Carney, J., Stone, J., Demetrides, S., Levy, J., Levey, E. (revised 2012). Transition of Adolescents with Disabilities to Adulthood: The Role of Health Care Provider. A final report to the Maryland State Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.