I am happy to report that the Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities (MCDD) and its partners were highly active in Annapolis during the legislative session, advocating for the rights of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. MCDD and the Center for Diversity in Public Health Leadership Training were proud to bring more than 30 trainees from a variety of disciplines to Developmental Disabilities Day in Annapolis, which provided our trainees with a first-hand view of the legislative process. Our colleagues from People On the Go Maryland were featured once again as speakers and team leaders, and helped coordinate the attendance of hundreds of advocates from across the state. Selected legislation from this session is highlighted below.
Beginning on June 6, we are proud to offer the MCDD Summer Learning Series for the second year, featuring new topics as well as some favorites from last year. I hope you take the time to review the course catalog. Your feedback is always welcome.
We are also happy to help spread the word about the National Core Indicators (NCI) Survey Program for Maryland’s Developmental Disabilities Association (DDA). Both Mat Rice, policy advocate for People On the Go Maryland, and I sit on a Quality Advisory Committee at DDA and recognize the importance of all voices being heard. Please help us spread the word to families to complete this year’s NCI survey.
Maureen van Stone
MCDD Director