The CBT-Plus Clinic serves youth (5 to 18 years old) and families who are receiving services through Maryland’s Child Welfare System. We have more than 30 years of experience working with children in foster care who have behavioral healthcare needs and developmental disabilities. We understand the special needs of youth in out-of-home care.
What We Do
We provide evidence-based treatment, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), for children and adolescents who have anxiety, depression or behavioral challenges, and/or who have experienced trauma. All our therapists are specially trained to address the complex needs of youth in non-family care.
How We Do It
We use a compassionate and collaborative approach that is time-limited and skills-based. We collaborate with youth, child welfare workers, foster families and biological family members.
Why We Do It
Our approach reduces symptoms and improves daily functioning. We want children and their families to have the support they need to ensure youth safety, permanency and well-being.